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Americans, still fucking stupid.

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Maybe come new years this year, instead of making new years resolutions to either quit smoking, get a job (check out the unemployment rate!), ask the girl out that they've always like; they'll decide that come January 1st 2012 they're going to stop being so fucking retarded.

Why the sudden outburst?


Not the actual news story, the thirteen pages of intellectually challenged Americans (mostly, there's a few who obviously stayed in school and can't see what the fuss is about) whinging, bitching, moaning (they don't know what a thesaurus is, so just spout synonyms at them and it makes it look like you've thought up lots of payouts) about how pretend guns for your avatar are being taken away from them.

There's a few conspiracy theorists in the bunch who are connecting it to a Government hellbent on providing public healthcare and gun safety for kids, fucking evil bastards.

Americans stand up and be counted for, throw together a paragraph of correct punctuation and grammar, command the english language and tell me I'm wrong.


It's simple really peoplee are fucking stupid, look at the fuss that was made when it was annouced the Halo remake would have a Kinect feature and people acted liked it would be Kinect only.

The simple answer to the avatars lacking guns will be something to do with age ratings and child accounts, seeing as Microsoft as a wider audience now with Kinect.

I swear reading some of those comments, are people that fucking stupid to say stuff like this ''What`s next no guns in games??'' and ''oh sh!t what if they start censoring 360 games!?'' games are already censored to some degree as they have to abide by the ratings boards like the ESRB or the BBFC.


I dont see what the big deal is with avatar items anyway, especially on the new dashboard as you barely see them.


The thinking behind the no guns thing is really quite simple. The Dashboard is not age rated, and is viewed by people of all ages. Now lots of ads have guns and whatever, and probably still will so no doubt when the next ad to feature a gun pops up on the dash the fanboys will go crazy. "hypocrisy!!!" they'll scream. Avatars are for kids though, yes I dressed mine up like a pretty little doll because I was bored, but they're for kids and mainly only used in kids titles.

Yeah it could bring up an arguement of GI Joes had guns and all that shit. But really the days of kids toys/games being advertised with things that shoot bullets are well and truly over.


The thing is, guns and the like weren't allowed when avatars first his the scene, so when I saw guns start appearing, I was pretty confused. Anyway, avatars are retarded.

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