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Audio Hacking


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Ok, was watching this video earlier which gave me an idea:

I really like how the caw creator has added howard finkel announcing to the custom entrance themes.

Just sucks that the in-game announcing ruins it then. What I was wondering is.. would it be possible to somehow disable the in-game audio for the entrance intoductions. either with a code or possibly removing the audio files from the installed game on a ps3 hard drive. either that or repacing them with silent tracks.

Don't know much about that sort of thing. anyone have any ideas?

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A code would work best to disable announcing if a created superstar is used but I dont know if it's possible.

You could replace the justin roberts audio files with a blank audio track but then you'd loose the announcing for all of the regular sueprstars.

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Yea, I know ya'd lose it, well not necessarily because you could just do it for the one's you don't want. It would be better to have the finkel / custom announcments nearer the end of the entrance so it won't come up during post match celebrations ( unless you let it play out for a while ). Has anyone here replaced audio before ?

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