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WWE '12: Kharma & Alicia Fox's Entrance Videos


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THQ today revealed the entrance videos for Kharma and Alicia Fox (Shown both above and below) that are due for release later this month as part of the WWE '12 Divas DLC Pack.


She was a force for the brief time that she was in the WWE this past year, and the WWE Games Universe demanded that she be included in WWE '12. Well, we're happy to finally reveal Kharma's WWE '12 roster profile. Kharma is a refreshing kick in the A** to Divas fans, and in WWE '12, there is no doubt that her presence will send "Barbie Dolls" running for cover.

Alicia Fox

Alicia Fox has been one of the most confident and "foxy" (pun intended) WWE Divas since her debut. The WWE Games Universe was very happy to see Fox included in WWE '12's Divas DLC pack. What will you do with Alicia Fox in WWE '12?

No release date has yet been set, but you can view the pricing details below:

Pricing and Release Details

- Each item will be 80 Microsoft Points, or $0.99 on PSN

- Purchase Fan Axxess again this year (960 Microsoft Points, or $11.99 on PSN) which guarantees you all of the DLC released with ovr 25% total savings.

- WWE Divas DLC Pack will be released THIS MONTH (ACTUAL DATE TBD)

Source: WWEGames

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