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(Videos) Did THQ Remove Title Introductions? + More Confirmations

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src = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NBjXLRDuGY?version=3&autoplay=1&hd=0&showinfo=0&controls=1&autohide=1&modestbranding=0&fs=1&rel=0"

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According to the new videos posted by TheGameGuysBlog, it appears in the video titled WWE 12 Gameplay: CM Punk vs. Alberto Del Rio - Survivor Series (Xbox 360) AI vs. AI , there is NO exclusive title match introduction cut-scene taking place before the WWE Championship match between Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk.



We know the existence of title match introduction cut-scenes because simplyphenomenal posted an off-screen video on September 25, 2011. Could it be that THQ removed this new feature?



Also, confirmed in the TheGameGuysBlog's video is CM Punk's static before his Cult of Personality theme song did not make it in the game as well as Alberto Del Rio's respective side and curvetrons. To see this video, look below.





Source: YouTube


Might be an option to turn them on or off like entrances.


I guess it is as I seen a few more videos today that include the title sequence.


Yea? New videos with that title introduction cut-scene? If so, can you post them here?

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