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(Videos) WWE '12: Show, Lawler, Henry, Kane


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<p> </p>

<p>THQ today updated the roster page of the wwe.thq.com website to show the profiles of Big Show, Jerry &quot;the King&quot; Lawler, Mark Henry &amp; Kane.<br />

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Each profile shows videos of both their entrance and finishing moves along with a screenshot of the superstar and a video of their greatest moment.<br />

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You can check out the videos of each superstar below:</p>

<p> </p>


<center></br>Big Show</p>

<p> </p>


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<p> </p>

</br><p>Jerry &quot;the King&quot; Lawler</p>

<p> </p>


<p> </p>


<p> </p>

</br><p>Mark Henry</p>

<p> </p>


<p> </p>


<p> </p>


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<p> </p>


<p> </p></center>

<p>Source: WWE Games</p>

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One thing that I really like is the new arenas THQ are using for this years game, added to that the new lighting and camera it's a huge improvement over lasts years game. Two things struck me as odd one what is up with the King's entrance music? and secondly they really fucked up Kane's entrance.

This might be picky but they really went out of their way to make it look bad this year, he doesn't do the hand raise correctly and when the ring pryo hits it looks like he is having a tantrum in the ring.

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All in all the entrances which were made this year look horrible as opposed to previous years. I mean, look at Big Show's camera angling. It shifts to a far camera angle, then close, the far again. Additionally, he goes on the reverse side of the ring to perform his arm raise taunt. The entrances are especially one of my favorite parts of the game. Even today, if I find a suitable custom theme for a superstar, I import it on SvR 2011 just so I can play it. Looks like I'll need to be doing a lot of entrance motion editing this year. Hopefully, they still have Orton and Miz's motions from last year.

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