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CM Punk Updated

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I really don't remember THQ/Yukes ever doing this before, usually what we see around this time is what we get in the final product. If they are changing this I wonder if there will be anymore small tweaks?


Either that or THQ/Yukes are highly Pro-Punk. I know I am. I just wish those jackasses would

a: update his entrance. He doesn't do the "IT'S CLOBBERIN' TIME" + Gorilla chest bump thing anymore. now it's the clobberin' time thing, with a Barett-style air punch.

B: Give him the Best in the World T-Shirt for entrance and cinematic purposes. I can see myself downloding a CM Punk CAW to use for the shirt...

And c: This is really for everyone, they have Face and Heel for Fan Alignments. fuckin' add Mixed Reactions so John Cena, CM Punk, THE AWESOME ONE, THE MIZ, A-Ry and whoever else has mixed reactions from te fans can have them. I hate having to set Cena to Boo to get the fans booing him even though I'm using him as a Face. >>


I wish they'd feckin' give him something similar to the Pesi logo instead of just leaving a blank space


Yeah they could replace the tattoos, I'm not sure why they havn't before but I'm guessing if they replaced them there would be some sort of backlash of people say ''omg that isn't the tattoo''


Yup. And they'd be too trolled out on Charlie Sheen-sized rocks of coke to understand that they had no choice.


How come they don't have the pepsi tattoo?


It's because of it being a brand logo, they would need Pepsi's permission to use it or they would risk getting sued.


I'm sure if they asked they'd be all "Yeah, sure." I mean, they try to make the game as real as possible, and Punk's not gonna go get the tat removed because it's a brand logo. If they ask, Pepsi would probably be cool with it. But alas, THQ can't figure this out for themselves. Jackasses.

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