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Players are missing or a manager

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Posted (edited)

These have been made for CB2.

These make players act as managers or make them illegal. They will repeatedly jump in the ring to attack you & the ref will always remove them.

Player 1 is illegal- 0AA94745 00000001

Player 2 is illegal- 0AB44745 00000001

Player 3 is illegal- 0AD44745 00000001

Player 4 is illegal - 0AF44745 00000001

Player 5 is illegal - 0A144745 00000001

I have tried to find one for player 6, have not been able to find one. ANYONE who can find it can feel free to post it.


These make players totally disappear. This can create a handicapped 3 on 1 tag which is not a selectable match.

Player 1 is removed - 0AA04745 00000001

Player 2 is removed - 0AC04745 00000001

Player 3 is removed - 0AE04745 00000001

Player 4 is removed - 0A004745 00000001

Have been unable to find that codes that affect players 5 & 6, ANYONE who can find these can feel free to post them.


Player 5 is a shodowy figure (may cause certain characters to freeze)

just choose someone for the player 5 slot & they will be a shadowy figure. The entrance is weird too.

0A294745 00000001

Any problems, let me know.

Edited by BigBossman

Although these two haven't been tested yet, I would have to say that the codes for Players 5 & 6 for the Players Totally Disappear codes would be:


0A304744 00000001 (Player 5)

0A504744 00000001 (Player 6)

I'll test these two plus find the others if nobody else does anytime in the near future. Cool finds, BigBossman.

Posted (edited)

I converted the shadow code to GS2-NTSC,And it locked up at the loading screen.I tried it on a 6 man match,RR,Slobber knocker and it locked on all of them.I then tried it on just a single match and it also locked up.

I'll test the other codes later,but I'm more interested in codes that effect superstars appearance.

BTW,I myself made a code semiliar to this code,But it effected random charcters.

The only downfall was that once the chr. grabbed you,or you grabbed him/her,It locked up.Needless to say,I did'nt jot it down on my notes.

Heres what I have in GS2-NTSC format for the shadow code in your post.



I just found that if you replace F0 with F3 and 84 to 83 ,A singles match becomes a triple threat with player one as 2 people.Whoever he picks and Shawn Michaels.

But Shawn Michaels is invisible and player 2 has his hat on.

I don't remember for sure,but I think if you replace F3 with D3,then player one has his hat on.

So the code now looks like this........


Edited by Brave_Knight

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