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Casket/Buried Alive VERY much possible!!!


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ok, in no hacker, but i know 1 thing, cause i remember, in SD2 there was a CASKET match, and peopel tried hacking a Buried Aliva Match for it, which i think partially was done but i dont remember that much, anyways, the only thing i can think of to make a hack for these 2 is, using one of those storage things, where u can get tossed into and having it fixed outside of the ring so u cant move it, then adding some kinda color stuff for like a dirt look, leading to the opening of the storage thing, and then to win would be to irish whip or somethin the opponent into the storage thing, which looks like a CASKET since i also remember u can RESIZE objects in the game, and that should be it.

A very simple match to win, but it was simple in smackdown 2, thers really only a few things u need to do, which is resize the storage thing to look like a casket, look for stuff with a dirt like look, and have the storage thing outside the ring or in the ring, fix it so u cant move it, and BADA BOOM Casket Buried Alive Match!!!!

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buried alive match was done from casket match for sd2, i converted it to PAL at SD2H. i think someone at slims board made it.

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its not as complicated as u think, u just need the addy or whatever for the box/storage thing thats backstage, a few codes to stretch out the box into the shape of a casket, have it near or in the ring, fix it so u cant move it or pick it up, u dont even need the dirt part, it can be regular casket match!

anyways, whats the address for slims bourd?? he is the Chocklate Starfish right???

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slim stopped hacking and the hacker who made it (geodim i think) aint even around anymore. The sd2 code took up well over 2 pages of programming to do the buried alive match FROM a casket match, and all you had to basically do was change colour and change weapon mods, now you have to actually make a casket match and from that make the buried alive match, and with sd5 not using the same system as SD2, the odds of this happening are zero, sure its possible, but it will take so much more longer and alot more lines to do. even if it was made noone would use it because of the length.

when i hacked SD3, that was pretty complex as there was no proper cartridge for ps2, so it took much longer, and that was on the same system as sd2, so on a more complex system than that, you are going to need a man of such genious you are going to have to start head hunting at cape canaveral.

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dude, u arent REALLY reading my shit are u....

theres is a Storage unit in the backstage area, that u can irish whip your opponents into, and they go in, the top slams shut, and then 3 sec. later, u open the lid and u get out....

the only REAL codes u need, are the actuall STORAGE unit, RESIZING it to look like a casket, doesnt have to be perfect!, and a few other codes like, putting it in the ring, or maybe just leaving it backstage, and just resizing it from there, make it black, add a code so that when someone gets into the casket, they lose the match, and thats it dude, and umm SD3 was not on PS1 it was on PS2, SD2 was on PS1 and the reason the code was so huge was cause they were trying to make it look REAL... it was a simple codes normally, but they tried making dirt around it.

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Shutup and listen kid. You need to make win modifiers. You need to edit the way it looks. You need to change the size, colour, shape. People wont want a casket match in the backstage so you would have to create it in the arena. If your so confident the YOU do it smart arse, and until you can, just shut the fuck up.

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ok first of all, im no KID , u little BITCH, second of all, i know wtf is needed, and if u think that people want want this, then your speaking for yourself and noone else, sure i aint gonna say EVERYONE wants it, but it wouldnt be BAD to have it.

Second of all, why not be Backstage??? whats the diffrence, except less lines to make? dude honestly, i think u should be the one who shuts the fuck up....

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1. im older than you.

2. your a kid.

3. you dont know how to fucking hack otherwise you would of done it right now.

4. How many buried alive matches are there backstage?

5. why would i want it? i aint even got a cheat cartridge no more.

6. you are the only one who wants the match set out like this everyone else would want it realistic.

7. learn to spell.

8. reread this.

9. make sure you know it.

10. now shut the fuck up.

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"passes some popcorn and a TALL glass of soda.....heres some more......

if u think your older then me.........then well i BE DAMNED, lol, cause u probably are, u HAS BEEN! Take up a new hobby, theres nothing UNLREALISTIC about what ive posted, the only thing unrealistic, are the burns your taking straight outa your ass! I can care less of i miss spell a few things here and there, im no GOD, i dont even wanna be the motha fucka, and if u think your so PERFECT, then tell me somethin, wtf are u doin, "an OLD MAN that u are" in a message board about a video game??? at least im here to try MOTIVATING some people to try doing somethin a bit diffrent, JESUS Christ, go somewhere and get laid, it helps...

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has been? what kind of freak are you kid? if your going to talk like that then go to the wrestling forum im sure they'd love you there. Where did you get i was perfect from? i never said it. im 23, if thats old to you, then you must only be like 10, motivating people to do something different eh? Motivating them to do an impossible code. Very clever. You shouldnt be talking about getting laid yet, you aint even hit puberty. Now i dont think you read my checklist properly so read it again. Good boy.

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woah ok stop.

Geodim made one, and I made one. They came out within a week of each other (he beat me, but his crashed after the match finished).

Err it's not possible due to one thing inherent with the disc medium - loading times. You see those "Now Loading" screens inbetween areas, well they are what loads your surroundings. You can't move the dumpster to ringside as it's not loaded for the normal ring area. You also cannot force the PS2 to load something, it will crash.

Bam, there it's not simple, it's impossible.

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Observe: RTReaper, stop acting like a spoiled child, and pretending your in a wrestling promo. Basically, all ming was trying to say is that its currently, not really possible.

Ill break it down.

First, someones got to find the player height/co-ords/animation being done andanimation frame addresses, for all 8 (i think it is.)

Right, so assuming somebodys done that...

They then need to find the specific values for these addresses for when aplayers in this storage lark you go on about. Without a way to view the memory in game this is very hard, and with the PS2s' AR/ GS system, somebody MAY be able to find these within about a week of whittling down.

SO thats done. Then somebody needs to find the texture map/ colour addresses for this storage thing. Im sorry, but i dont think anyne really knows where to find these. Chances are the closest youll get are vertice addys.

AND your assuming this storage facility can be moved- not all objects are props. This probably is, but given the time taken to hack the code to even CHECK wether it can be moved, its not worth assuming.

Look, basically, its not worth the time, and no one can do it anyway. You should be more focused on whats being found now- the player maps. You cant run before you walk. (and for the love of god, take the hint. Mings told you the same as i have, and weve both been around from SD2. I think we'd know a little about how this works.)

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aight, well, that actually made some sense dude, i can understand what your talkin about, but i still think that geodim or slim coulda done somethin with it....and why the fuck did they even take the damn match out of the game???

and ming, trust me man, u havent seen read the last of me! lol..... ill leave this be, no point in spillin piss in the fire.....

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ok ok, i can honeslty care less about my reputation, since it speeks for itself, and if u do remember smackhacks, youd know i dont take shit from pathetic fagets who think there smarter just cause they can hack a few codes...... i can understand now how maybe this is challenging, but then, what isnt?

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Your dumb.

reason #1

It's i couldn't care less. If you could care less then i guess you would care wouldn't you?

reason #2

you misspell things alot....i know you don't want to be god but try to learn and spell.

reason #3

If by not taking shit from people you mean trash talking them via messageboard you are a very big man and I am scared of you....lol

reason #4

If they can hack and you can't they don't think they are smarter than you, they ARE smarter than you.

It wasn't challenging for me to surmise that you are a _______ -pick one from below.




cock jockey

uncle fucker

that is all.

Edited by caseyjones
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....and why the fuck did they even take the damn match out of the game??? 

Because it sucked. HARD.

*Irish whip. kick. kick. kick. match over*

<sarcasm>That was soooo cool! Fuck some TLC matches, casket matches are EXTREME. Where's Jeff Hardy when you need him?!


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dude, i can spell, i just dont choose to fix up my mistakes, and who thefuck are u to disrespect anyone, when your probably in a godamn wheelchair, wishing u can get your dick up! were the hell u guys from anyway?? sounds like good ole AMERICA.....

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oh really please your about as old school as gunit and you only know smackhacks cos i said it up there, and if you want to really go against me be my guest, the last time mots and matt went against me Smacktalks on ezboard was deleted.

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when your probably in a godamn wheelchair

Does that make you feel big?Ive got nothing againts you but youve overstepped the boundaries there, just because someones disabled does not make them inferior to you. Stephen hawkings in a wheelchair, and hes more intelligent than anyone.

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