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What things, features, or matches would you add to improve SVR2010?

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Here's some of the things I would add to the next installment of SVR:

1. Have a maximum of 8 wrestlers on the screen at one time.

2. Eliminate the point system on Create-A-Superstar.

3. Bring back the massive amount of names (In Create-A-Superstar) that the previous games had in addition to some newer ones.

4. Have Fatal 4-Way & Triple Threat Tag Team Matches.

5. Put voices in the Storyline Editor (that may be a bit complicated, but would be awesome).

6. In Create-An-Entrance mode, allow Champion entrances & Tag entrances to have added pyros at any point in that entrance.

7. Customize which weapons are kept under the ring for any match.

8. Customize or create an arena: Allow players to choose what the ring looks like, the decor of the entire arena, & the stage & ramp area.

9. Under Superstar Threads, allow players to remove or add other types of clothing to that superstar. For example: The Miz's old attire is in the game (where he's wearing pants), but doesn't seem to have his current attire (where he's wearing trunks).

10. Allow useable foreign objects to be brought to the ring: Allow superstars & created superstars to bring foreign objects to the ring & to where it could be used in a match. Some ideas would be a guitar, a 2x4, a chain, Finlay's shalele (don't know how to spell it), & in WWE Raw 2 for XBox you could even select a banana.

That just a few ideas I could come up with. What ideas does everyone else have? I'm curious to know. Maybe we could send THQ a message & let them know.

Posted (edited)

Here's some of the things I would add to the next installment of SVR:

1. Have a maximum of 8 wrestlers on the screen at one time.

2. Eliminate the point system on Create-A-Superstar.

3. Bring back the massive amount of names (In Create-A-Superstar) that the previous games had in addition to some newer ones.

4. Have Fatal 4-Way & Triple Threat Tag Team Matches.

5. Give Us The Same Matches As The Nintendo Ds And The Same Stuff As The Wii Has (Thumbtacks,Swanton Bomb And Shooting Star Press Off The Cage And The Right To Do Coast To Coast With A Chair) .

6. In Create-An-Entrance mode, allow Champion entrances & Tag entrances to have added pyros at any point in that entrance.

7. Customize which weapons are kept under the ring for any match.

8. Customize or create an arena: Allow players to choose what the ring looks like, the decor of the entire arena, & the stage & ramp area.

9. Under Superstar Threads, allow players to remove or add other types of clothing to that superstar. For example: The Miz's old attire is in the game (where he's wearing pants), but doesn't seem to have his current attire (where he's wearing trunks).

10. Allow useable foreign objects to be brought to the ring: Allow superstars & created superstars to bring foreign objects to the ring & to where it could be used in a match. Some ideas would be a guitar, a 2x4, a chain, Finlay's shalele (don't know how to spell it), & in WWE Raw 2 for XBox you could even select a banana.

That just a few ideas I could come up with. What ideas does everyone else have? I'm curious to know. Maybe we could send THQ a message & let them know.

Edited by BIGBALLA23

I love these lists! I enjoy going through them and pointing out why they will never happen, so I'm going to.

1. Have a maximum of 8 wrestlers on the screen at one time.

The engine can't support it, you'll notice there's a lot more slow down in 09 than there was in 08. The engine is old, they'd need to start from square one again. If that happens you'll throw your arms up asking where all your modes have gone. It will happen one day though.

2. Eliminate the point system on Create-A-Superstar.

On one hand it adds longevity, on the other it can be a pain in the arse. Atleast it's not as much a brutal grind as last year.

3. Bring back the massive amount of names (In Create-A-Superstar) that the previous games had in addition to some newer ones.

The commentary sucks and always has sucked, why are you playing with it on?

4. Have Fatal 4-Way & Triple Threat Tag Team Matches.

8 people = no. You would never get a pin in a triple threat tag match. You pin one man, his partner, and two other men outnumber your partner and the pin would be broken up. It can't replicate real wrestling with oddball reasons for the other men to be occupied.

5. Put voices in the Storyline Editor (that may be a bit complicated, but would be awesome).

Bandwidth, lack of decent voice recording devices on consoles, swearing can't be monitored, and who wants to listen to a 12 year old acting poorly? So many reasons why it will never happen.

6. In Create-An-Entrance mode, allow Champion entrances & Tag entrances to have added pyros at any point in that entrance.

The game is very picky with pyro, I assume it's because of the way in which entrances are saved. It won't change.

7. Customize which weapons are kept under the ring for any match.

With the way WWE is going, I think you're lucky to have weapons under the ring at all. Lets face it, you really just want a ladder, a table and a chair under there in every match. THQ know this and have never put it in besides the TLC match, so i'd guess it never will

8. Customize or create an arena: Allow players to choose what the ring looks like, the decor of the entire arena, & the stage & ramp area.

WWF Attitude did this, you could chose your lighting, rope colours, ring mat, and pre-made entrance stage. It wasn't that fun, and the way the graphcis need to be these days, the amount of work they'd have to do to make it so you can make a stage piece by piece is huge.

9. Under Superstar Threads, allow players to remove or add other types of clothing to that superstar. For example: The Miz's old attire is in the game (where he's wearing pants), but doesn't seem to have his current attire (where he's wearing trunks).

Superstar likenesses are trademarks, you can't fuck with them. Imagine a youtube video of John Cena in editted attire with a big "It Means Fuck You" T shirt on, the media would have a parade.

10. Allow useable foreign objects to be brought to the ring: Allow superstars & created superstars to bring foreign objects to the ring & to where it could be used in a match. Some ideas would be a guitar, a 2x4, a chain, Finlay's shalele (don't know how to spell it), & in WWE Raw 2 for XBox you could even select a banana.

Hey now, come on. Yukes just figured out how to make an object used in a cutscene appear in the ring, baby steps. Plus people are already complaining that they can't make the wrestlers they want to because they've used up all the available points (a polygon limiter), now you want to give them weapons!? You'll have Yukes scratching their heads for years.

Just keep it simple and ask for more moves, and for better balancing - most wrestlers can get a finisher, get it reversed, but can still go back for seven more tries...Shawn Michaels goes through a twenty second long animation for it to be reversed and gets another chance if you're quick and lucky. Shawn Michaels is a dud.


Strum, you don't have to be such a downer. It may never happen (you could be right on that), which is okay. My thing was to generate ideas to make the game better. What ways would you make it better? Be specific.

To rebut some of your statements:

Regarding the 8 people at once:

This was done with Smackdown: Just Bring It for PS2. If the PS2 could support it, I know that the XBox 360 can. If I'm not mistaken, didn't the Sega Dreamcast have a WWE game (Royal Rumble?) that allowed up to 9 players at the same time?

I know that WWF Attitude had the Create-An-Arena feature & I thought it was neat. I think that it could be taken to the next level with the PS3 & XBox 360. Fire Pro Wrestling Returns for PS2 had a similar feature where you just customize the ring.

The Fatal 4-Way & Triple Threat Tag Matches were done on the third installment of Legends of Wrestling (I can't remember the exact name).

In any case, if have any ideas to contribute I'd be interested in hearing them. To me, it don't matter if its simple or detailed.


8 men is that smackdown game was shit tho, was slow as anything and way too much clutter on the screen, jitz explained how with the current engine its pretty much not gonna happen and as such it needs rebuilt, which he also said may happen at some stage... hardly a negative comment, just a realistic semi constructive one...

as for arena's he makes a sound point about graphics & work involved, however i'll confess, ppl enjoyed mucking about with the ring layouts and if it where possible, wether he likes it or not, it could be in... 1 main advantage would be if you wanted to create your own PPV you could mayb throw the name of it on the side of the ring etc.


I'm not making a new topic for this one question, but is special referee match in this year?


I would like to see the edit an arena fair amount of work would have to be done for it but the actual placing of objects could be mapped out in an effective way.

For me though i would want the series to move on to a new engine, i think this years has shown with the engine they have this will be the best it will be with it. They will have to move on sooner or later having a fresh new look and gameplay to match is what the game needs now. Kind of how iMPACT was i really liked that game mainly because it was different and new where as Smackdown is just an update each year.


fuck off. most of those things can be easily implemented, its just that yukes are fucking shit.

don't say they can and can't do shit when they can. fucking hope yukes gets the boot, just like thq. give it to EA. :)


Iain you're most definitely right, a lot of that stuff could be done if Yukes was any good. I know aswell as you do, Yukes aren't a very good developer. So aslong as it's their series on their engine, these things won't happen.

Stuff like pyro anywhere in an entrance is simple shit, Yukes have shown they can't do it though. They've taken something like 11 games to get to a point where they should have been at after 4. They've made the best wrestling game ever, but it fucking took them eleven tries to get it right, is that really such an accomplishment? I've made my comments based on Yukes the shitty developer.

Back to Bossman and his comments, Just Bring It was by far the worst game in the series. The game looked like a PSone game, as soon as the graphics were updated to an acceptable standard the next year, the wrestler count dropped.

Then you compare a 2D game to a 3D game.

Then you compare two different series together, one by a publisher that went bankrupt. I played one Legends of Wrestling game, the first one. I'm not sure how the triple threat tag match worked in the third game. The gameplay mechanics of the two series are completely different, LoW played much slower and much more methodical. The match type would not work in SmackDown, someone would break up your pin everytime.


Fine....no it's not in it. There's a special referee match in Edge's Road to WM, but it's not a match type. Why? I don't know. Same with the I Quit match, it's in Jericho's RtWM, but it's not a match type. Yukes strikes again.


I was thinking it was in seeing as they've got a referee attire for Orton. Guess that's completley pointless.


That what got me thinking if special referee would be in, but indeed, it's pointless to make Orton's alternate attire a referee one. It's like the Masked Man from last year.

Posted (edited)

One thing that I liked in regards to the Special Referee matches was the two referee matches. In Smackdown 2:KYR, the two referees would attack each other if one went to go & count the other's pinfall. It made the match challenging not just for the wrestlers, but also for the referees. When Smackdown: JBI came out they had the same match, but the referees didn't fight each other & they didn't attack wrestlers that attacked them.

One other thing I would also add to this game would be the ability to target anyone in the ring. Used to you could manually change who you are targeting, but now you can't do that. When you have two or three people nearby, I almost always end up attacking the wrong one. I also liked how you could target your partner & the ref.

Edited by BigBossman

You can manually target, it's LT when you set targeting to manual in the options. It just doesn't work when you're performing a grapple, or try to target someone who is performing a grapple.


That's cool. Thanks. If you didn't say that, I never would have found it.


Nice one Chris, I didn't realise there was the manual option.

  • 2 months later...

names from every wwf/e games

all attire stuff including patterns n designs n accessories that have been removed

all moves from every game in moves

create a submission

create a belt

create a ring

create a cage

create a sign

create manager to use alongside the team/stables

every match type thats been in anygame

all entrance types from the dual motorcycles etc

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