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Sting (PS3)

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*Application Form*

Name: Sting

Nickname: The Icon

Nickname Placement: Prefix

HUD Name: Sting

Announcer Introduction: The Icon

Hometown: Venice Beach, California

Weightclass: 255lbs

Crowd Reaction: Good

Show: Free Agent

Face Template: Face Type 12

delete all available layers..


Hair: 28/71 1st style (100,0,-66,-79)


Head: 12,0,-12

Forehead: 0,-66,-20,-24



Eye Type: 1/9 normal style (84,31,-7)

Eyelashes: Default

Eyebrows: 21/39 (87,0,0)


Lips: 1/17 (100,-100,-58) *lip style is best for filling lip area once facepaint is added*

Teeth: 1/14 (Default colour)


Skin Tone: 4/12 (88,1,-2,-10)

Skin Aging: 33


Eyebrows: -100,58,4,-10

Eyes: -73,20,10,-20,15,-30,-10

Nose: 10,-69,20,14,-10,-6,0,-7

Cheeks: -100,0,10,40

Mouth: 30,-20,-9,-50,-20,-20,-10

Jaw: 2,8,-4,0,10,0

Ears: Default (cant seem them anyhow)

Height: 6'2"


Body Type: -3


Neck: -65,0,12

Chest: 17,-7,21

Shoulders: -5,-3,-14

Abdomen: 13,32,24

Waist: 13,25

Arms: -11,-6,7

Hands: 0,0,0

Legs: 13,3,14

Feet: -1,-1,0

Definition: 5/9


(I’ll be starting at layer 9 as the first 8 layers have already been covered by mandatory layers that are shown above)

9. Underwear: 1/23 (-100,-100,-20)

10. Facepaint: 67/89 (100,-100,55,100)

11. Wrestling Tights: 3/18 (-100,100,-15,100,100))

*The next 4 layers make up the black covering to the pads on the front of the tights*

12. Body/Tattoos/Symbols/R.Leg: 146/149 rotate twice, 2nd biggest vert + horiz (-100,-100,-30,100)

13. Same as layer 12 but on left leg this time.

14. Body/Tattoos/Symbols/R.Leg: 103/149 2nd smallest vert + biggest horiz (-100,-100,-30,100)

15. Same as layer 14 but on left leg this time.

16. Facepaint: 18/89 (-100,-100,-100,100)

17. Facepaint: 21/89 (-100,-100,-100,100)

18. Facepaint: 89/89 (-100,-100,-100,100)

19. Facepaint: 32/89 (100,100,one click into 0,100)

*Now we continue with face paint designs for several layers*

20. Head/Tattoos/Symbols: 96/149 2nd biggest vert + smallest horiz (-100,-100,-100,100) *place on upper right corner of black paint as shown in help pic*

21. Same as layer 20 but rotate once and place on opposite side of face

22. Head/Tattoos/Symbols: 146/149 rotate twice, biggest vert + 2nd smallest horiz (-100,-100,-100,100) *place central on chin, just overlapping onto lower lip*

23. Head/Tattoos/Symbols: 142/149 biggest vert + 2nd smallest horiz (-100,-100,-100,100) *place central on forehead, lower it until it joins to both sides of black paint around eyes*

24. Head/Tattoos/Symbols: 97/149 biggest vert + horiz (-100,-100,36,100) *place over layer 23, then centre it to make the two separate black lines of paint*

25. Head/Tattoos/Symbols: 95/149 biggest vert + smallest horiz (-100,-100,-100,100) *place on left cheekbone as shown in help pic*

26. Same as layer 25 but place on right cheekbone instead

27. Hands/Gloves: 11/16 (-100,-100,-64)

28. Boots/Shoes: 7/37 mid cut style (-100,-100,-78)

*These last 4 layers will make up the scorpion design for the tights*

29. Body/Tattoos/Symbols/R.Leg: 26/149 biggest vert + 2nd biggest horiz (-100,-100,100,100) *refer to pics provided for placement*

30. Same as layer 29, place directly on top of layer 29, then move one click to the right and colour with (-100,-100,-100,100)

31. Body/Tattoos/Symbols/R.Leg: 28/149 rotate twice, 2nd biggest vert + biggest horiz (-100,-100,100,100) *place fairly central to the overall design and use pics provided for a better idea of placement*

32. Same as layer 31, place directly on top of layer 31, then move one click to the right and colour with (-100,-100,-100,100)

Ok. it’s a done deal people. Enjoy!

For a 32 layer version of this look I think I’ve done well tbh. Unfortunately I had no layers left, or way of shaving layers to do the black triangle on the tights, or to add the entrance jacket though. Overall I think PS3 owners will be happy with how this has turned out anyway.

If anyone has any problems with the formula or just wants to tell me what they think of this CAW feel free to PM me through the caws forum or drop a message in my Sting topic in the PS3 section and I'll get back to you asap if there is a problem etc.

Last but certainly not least

Edited by azmee619

Cool caw though the thing i would change is making him slimmer when he has this look he was in really good shape.


all star is right, u should give him a more muscular skin definition

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