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Sting CAL (PS3)

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Name: Sting

Attire: Crow

Creator: Amakusasfire

Console: PS3



Face Template: 1

Name: Sting


Nickname Placement:

HUD Name: Sting

Announcer Introduction:

Hometown: Venice Beach, California

Weightclass: 260 lbs

Crowd Reaction: Good


Hair: 27 (87,-100,-19,100)

*Head Morphing:*

Head: 19,-4,-2

Forehead: 0,22,6,-15


Eye Type: 1 (default)


Eyebrows: default

Lips: 1 (99,-100,-55)


Skin Tone: 4 (89,6,11,3)

*Face Morphing*

Eyebrows: -100,40,22,41

Eyes: -27,-6,-6,6,7,-16,-5

Nose: -25,35,-15,-14,11,29,11,-10

Cheeks: -22,-42,-25,13

Mouth: 18,-10,5,-33,-36,24,-46

Jaw: -6,-10,18,13,-16,11

Ears: default

Height: 6'4"

Body Type: 15

Body Morphing

Neck: -18,-15,5

Chest: -4,-4,23

Shoulders: -60,28,-30

Abdomen: -10,10,6

Waist: 2,5

Arms: -9,5,16

Hands: 7,6,10

Legs: 8,0,5

Feet: default

Definition: 1


Underwear default

Wrestling Attire 2 (-13,-100,-65)

Wrestling Tight Design 25 (-89,-100,31,100)

Boots 4 (-13,-100,-65) largest selection

Hands 1 (-100,-100,-65,100)

Face Paint 53 (100,0,0,100)

Face Paint 91 (100,0,0,100)

Face Paint 99 (100,0,0,100)

For the next ten steps you will need to use Face Tattoo/Lettering/Sign ( It is on page 1/7, 4 down and 3 right. The pics above will help if you need them, the color will be black default.

1. 2nd largest horizontal & largest vertical, place above the right eye.

2. Repeat the last step for the left eye just rotate 2x.

3. Largest horizontal & vertical place this over right eye above the last design and rotate 2x.

4. Repeat last step for the left eye without rotating it.

5. Largest horizontal & vertical place underneath the left eye.

6. Repeat last step for right eye just rotate 2x.

7. Largest vertical & 2nd smallest horizontal, place underneath right eye.

8. Repeat last step for left eye just rotate 2x.

9. Largest vertical & 2nd largest horizontal, place above the left eye.

10. Repeat last step for the right eye just rotate 2x.

For the next two steps you will need to use Face Tattoo/Lettering/Sign / it's on the first page.

1. 2nd largest horizontal & vertical place over outer left eye design.

2. Repeat last step for the right eye and rotate.

Face Tattoo/Design 138 (-18,-100,-11,100)

Tops 1 (-13,-100,-60,100) Entrance only

Body Tattoo Torso 18 (default) Entrance only

Jackets 56 (100,-100,-7) Entrance only

The following links are help pics for the face paint design if you need them.







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