Smacktalks Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Name: Sting Attire: TNA Creator: bWg4life Console: PS3 ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"> Formula: face paint and attire has changed since vid,just to give you an idea how it look in game Template 1 HEAD MORPH Head (41,-15,2) Forehead (-5,-98,-56,-95) Hair 88 (82,0,-14,63) Eyes 1 (13,0-29) Eyebrows 20 Lips 7 Skin Tone 11 (89,2,0,-33) Skin Age 0 FACE MORPH Eyebrows (-35,-26,-57,33) Eyes (-86,23,13,-23,29,-30,-15) Nose (1,-73,13-18,-22,10,-19,35) Cheeks (-100,2,1,14) Mouth (100,-24,2,-51,6,-100,65) Jaw (-81,-100,3,46,-100,-100) Ears (7,-19,18,5) BODY MORPH Body Type 3 Neck (-39,8,37) Chest (-11,7,37) Shoulders (-38,9,-29) Abdomen (1,15,30) Waist (8,5) Arms (-2,-4,20) Hands (6,8,3) Legs (-1,-2,-1) Feet (0,0,0,) Height 6 ft 4 in to make it fit in with the game. Definition 5 FACE PAINT - SEE PICS Face Paint 52 (100,-100,16,100) Face Paint 99 (100,0,-26,100) Symbols 96 Smallest H Larget V place at the end of the line of the face paint on the cheeks (see pic,pink lines) (-18,-100,-15,100) repeat on other side of face. Symbols 95 2nd Largest V Smallest H place on the forehead (see pic,red lines) (-18,-100,-15,100) repeat on other side. Symbols 96 Smallet 2nd Largest V place on the tip of the line coming from the face paint (see pic,purple lines) (-18,-100,-15,100) repeat on othe side. Symbols 95 2nd Smallest V Smallest H place at the tip of the lines of the face paint on the cheek bones (see pic,green lines)(-18,-100,-15,100) repeat to other side. Symbols 138 rotate twice,largest V 2nd Largest H,place on chin (see pic) -18,-100,-27,100 LAYERS. 1.Wrestling Attire 2 (-13,-100,-91) 2.Wrestling Tights 3 (21,-100,-81,100,100) 3.Gloves 2 Colour(-13,-100,-67,100)Logos Designs 87 rotate once 2nd Smallest V Largest H (-18,-100,59,100) repeat on other hand. SCORPION DESIGNS. Body/tattoos/torso/symbols 26 2nd Largest H Largest V place on left leg as far down as it will go (see pic,pink design) (default white) repeat on the right leg Body/tattoos/legs/symbols 27 Largest H & V place on the leg so it just covers last layer (see pic,yellow design) (default white) repeat on other leg. Wrestling tights designs/both legs 104 (default white) Boots 1 shorest style (-25,-100,-17) Jacket 56 (100,-100,-14) Name- Sting Nickname - The Icon HUD - Sting Announcer - The Superstar Home Town - Venice Beach CA Weight 239 lbs crowd - good
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