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Tully Blanchard CAL (xbox360)

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Name: Tully Blanchard

Attire: Starrcade 85

Creator: American Dream

Console: xbox360



Start w/face temp. 2

h. morph: 17/2/0

f. morph: -32/5/15/-15

Eyebrows: -90/-100/-100/4

Eyes: -9/-13/-10/-25/9/15/-20

Nose: 40/-59/35/-18/-25/-30/4/9

Cheeks: -12/85/25/-37

Mouth: 35/-37/-42/-73/29/28/-24

Jaw: 3/-14/12/23/-34/4

Ears: 15/-12/21/-11

Skin age: (15)

Height: 5'11" - right before it changes to 6'0"

b. type: (7)

Neck: -71/3/7

Chest: -30/-10/-2

Shldrs: -55/5/-72

Abs: -42/12/3

Waist: -3/2

Arms: -22/-30/-2

Hands: -32/-11/-7

Legs: -10/-15/-3

Feet: -32/-2/-12

Definition: (5)

s. tone: (8) c: 91/2/-2 specular: (-40)

e. type: (1) c: 30/-5/-7

Eyebrows: (7) c: 88/-25/-45

Lips: (14) c: 100/7/3

Hair: (88) c: 85/-20/-31 hair scale: 20

b. hair/torso: (1) c: 88/-11/-20 alpha: (55)

b. hair/b. arms: (1) c: 88/-25/-5 alpha: (45)

Arms/wrists: (23) c: 76/-100/0

f. paint: (67) c: 93/43/38 alpha: (10)

f. paint: (84) c: 91/21/25 alpha: (25)

Marks/scar: (16) c: 94/1/3 alpha: (15)

Marks/scar: (1) c: 92/-43/2 alpha: (80)

Marks/scar: (22) stylize to Vampiro eye makeup - c: 93/11/40 alpha: (20)

Face/symbol: (146) largest vert. & 3rd largest hor. - place this on the middle of his nose - c: 93/-55/34 alpha: (25)

Face/symbol: (142) largest vert. & default hor. - place this over his right eye - c: 93/-55/30 alpha: (25) - now repeat for his left eye

Face/symbol: (99) smallest vert. & hor. - place this inbetween his upper lip & the bottom of his nose - c: 92/-50/0 alpha: (7)

Face/symbol: (94) largest hor. & default size vert. - place this on top of the butt chin, & make sure you center it - c: 92/-51/19 alpha: (20)

Face/letters/sign: (1/7)

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