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Adam Bomb CAL (PS3)

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Name: Adam Bomb

Creator: chainsaw316

Console: PS3





Start with Template 4 (I think)

Head Morphing- 19,-16, 5

Forehead- 0, -62, -22, -8

Face Morphing

Eyebrows- -100,95, 100, 51

Eyes- 0, -27, -20, 10, 7, 100, -10

Nose- 5, -89, 20, 9, -16, -7, 39, -12

Cheeks- 0, 100, 24, -87

Mouth- 100, -51, 4, 8, -20, 47, -70

Jaw- -2, 22, 21, 7, -26, -78

Ears- -34, 5, -15, -32

Skintone- 12/12 89,14,0,-45

Skinage- 0 Im sure it needs some age but didnt wanna take anymore pics and start the form over lol

Body Type- 37

Body Morph

Neck- -10, 3, 9

Chest- 12, 9, 16

Shoulder- -45, 16, -12

Abs- 43, 0, 0

Waist- -9, -4

Arms- 41, 3, 1

Hands- 4, 7, 8

Legs- 2, -7, -1

Feet- -25, -43, -31

Definition- 1/9

Eyes- 2/9 70, 78, 3

Eyebrows- 1/39 default

Eyelash- default

Lips- 14/17 100, 10, 3

Teeth- default

Hair- 95/108 95, -46, -75, 100

Body Hair- 1/6 85, 0, 0, 33

Underwear- 30/30 -23, 0, 0

Now with the beard i wanted to thicken it up a bit so i used two templates, if you want you could use one and free up a layer, up to you.

Templates- 3/30 88, 0, -30, 100

Templates- 29/30 100, 0, -11, 100


do in this order.....

Wrestling Attire- 19/22 default color

Tights- 30/34 90, -37, -10, 100, 100

Tights- 30/34 -100, -14, 0, 100, 0

Underwear- 1/30 -25, -100, -10

Tights Logo (in order of course)

Design- 4/171 biggest vert 2nd smallest horz place on left strap of singlet 69, 100, 100, 100

repeat last layer but on right strap.

Design- 29/171 Center this on his abs 68, 100, 100, 100

Design- 142/171 Place over lizard on previous design 96, -4, 50, 100

Design- 128/171 Over the last two designs 99, -100, -95, 100

Elbows- 2/10 default

Kneepads- 14/16 -100, -11, -15, 100

Kneepads- 5/16 default

Hands- 19/20 -30, -100, -27

Glove logos- wwe 118/122 69, 100, 0, 100 repeat on other glove

Boots/Shoes- 1/55 -25, -100, -7

Glasses-25/49 66, -3, 0 entrance only

Arm Tattoo

On left shoulder...

Design- 29/171 85, 90, 18, 57

Design- 134/171 rotate twice 81, -29, -48, 24

WWE- 49/122 rotate 4 times 79, -100, -100, 32

Name- Adam Bomb

Hud- Adam Bomb

Intro- The Monster

Hometown- New Mexico

( I couldnt remember where he was from, this seemed right. A- bomb testing back in the day and all)

Weight- 330 lbs.

Crowd- Bad

There it is....wish you luck i hate writing these out, I hope i didnt forget anything...ENJOY!

Guest Guest_john_*

hes from 3 Mile Island.

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