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Butch Miller CAL (PS3)

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Name: Butch Miller

Attire: The Bushwackers

Creator: smeghead3

Console: PS3




Template - 1


Hair 4 (x: 89 y: 0 Shade: -19)


Head 1,36,28

Forehead -57, -91, -83, -36


Eyes: 1 (x: 13 Y: 0, Shade: 0)

Eyelashes: 4

Eyebrows: 8 (x: 86 Y: 0, Shade: -50)

Mouth: Lips: 16 (x: 95 Y: 0, Shade: 0)

Teeth 1.

Skin: Skin Tone 4 (x: 88 y: 5 Shade: 0 Spec: 0)

Skin Aging: 68

Morphing:Eyebrows (-100,100,-100,-96)

Eyes (-49,11,-10,-26,28,100,5)

Nose (-8,-66,67,13,-44,-60,42,-27)

Cheeks (-3,-100,40,23)

Mouth (100,-86,55,-10,-13,24,-26)

Jaw (8,37,-41,-57,48,-33))

Ears (-3,40,-2,5)

(Facial Hair)

Mustache: 14 (x: 83 y: 0 Shade: -17 Alpha: 85)

Templates: 2 (x: 86 y: 0 Shade: -25 Alpha: 100)

Sideburns: 18 (x: 86 y: 0 Shade: 0 Alpha: 100)

Sideburns: 16 (x: 87 y: 0 Shade: -11 Alpha: 100)


6 Smallest Style (x: -96 y: 0 Shade: -11 Alpha: 100)

10 (x: 88 y: -31 Shade: -17 Alpha: 100)

18 (x: 89 y: -26 Shade: 0 Alpha: 87)


Height: 5'11"

Body Type: 12

Body Morphing: Neck (7,27,32)

Chest (-65,-10,3)

Shoulders (-35,-5,-46)

Abdomen (-34,44,36)

Waist (30,30)

Arms (-27,8,13)

Hands (0,0,0)

Legs (-20,-22,-19)

Feet (1,18,6)

Definition: 6

Tattoos - Left Arm (above elbow) Symbols - Design: 53 (x: -18 y: 0 Shade: -29 Alpha: 31)

Tattoos - Right Arm (below elbow, cover lower arm) Symbols - Design: 132 (x: -24 y: 0 Shade: -76 Alpha: 24)


(Ring Attire)

Upper Body

Wrestling Attire: 6 (x: 13 y: -100 Shade: -70 Alpha: 100)

Lower Body

Underwear: 30 (x: -23 y: 0 Shade: 0)

Wrestling Tights: 14 (x: 51 y: -100 Shade: 11 Alpha: 100 Length: 100)

Footwear: Boots/Shoes: 2 (Medium) (x: -13 y: -100 Shade: -72)

Bottoms: 18 Both legs short (Pattern 10 Color x: 73 y: -100 Shade: 19)

Belts: 12 (x: 100 y: 0 Shade: 0)

(Entrance Attire)

Hats: 2 Sideways Angle (Patterm: 10 x: 89 y: -100 Shade: -76)

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