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Is this a way to put wrestler skins on caws?

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Okay on http://smacktalks.org/forums/index.php?act...=ST&f=28&t=2533

it says after making caw 32 a nude chick,"Then I put some of the character modifiers together. I used CAW32's address(004BEC00), and the skin texture offset(10000174), added the offset, getting hex (104BED74 00000000). I then added the value for CAW2(004B68C0).This makes the hex (104BED74 004B68C0). Convert this to GS2V2 ntsc getting (CEB3096A BCF40343)." Then you'd follow the rest of the steps.

I was looking at this and wondered if instead of using caw2's value, if you used a superstars, would it place over caw32's skin? --might be a dumb question but it never hurts to ask--

[ex: use caw32 adress (004BEC00), and the skin texture offset (10000174), getting hex (104BED74 00000000), then add trish's value (004C3624) instead of caw2's, getting (CEB3096A BCF5D1A7)] I'm unable to test it today, if anyone wants to.


I'm guessing it's a no, I saw the caw mods only in the mod topic, and was too busy to take into account that you have to copy skins in caw mode, although that is to copy nipples and what not. (if you werent looking to put designs on a feamale chest could it work?)

BUT STILL, in case there is a way to do this please look into it if you have a little spare time.


Hey mnmpympn, I had the same idea after my idea for changing skins. So I tried to replace CAW32 with Sable's and it didn't work. Now if someone could figure out what a superstar's texture for hex, GS, etc. was, then it might be possible. But if it was, I believe that the CAW would be really messed up. But with these codes you can do more than just add "nipples". If you use the code to have CAW 2 skin onto CAW 32 you can have more layers that allowed. Example: Cover the CAW 2 with say 10 layers of tattoos and such. Now go to CAW 32, which then has CAW 2's skin with tattoos, and still has 35 layers to work with.


thanx man I had a feeling if it was possible that way then it would have been created and posted. never hurts to ask though.

Posted (edited)

Hold the phone, well nothing too special. I had converted that wrong when I set up for trish's skin to be placed on my CAW32. The CAW kept her own head but her body is invisible with some really wierd texture all over it (also appears to have a gray Earl Hebner face on her stomach when in winning pose). If you want try this:


CEB3096A BCF5D667




14843950 BC6893A0

Edited by IamPayne

Can anyone post the code breaker codes to get more layers for your CAWs, and explane how to use it step by step?


i dont think that there is a code for more layers yet but ill check and i dont think that any one has a way to add skins to caws but ill check and get backn to you

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