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Stan Hansen

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-Changed the eyebrows

-widened his nose (upper part)

-Found the chin dimple

-made eyes a little bigger and lower

-new mustache

-made his face a tad longer

-made cheeks a little smaller and face a tad less round

**Note: In this split picture, the in game hat isn't nearly as big as Hansen's real life hat

This may be my final unless someone has some solid suggestions I've just missed.




UPDATED! Thanks to AmericanDream for the suggestions and pics, pretty much just copied his entrance gear.




Nice updates, the face looks a lot better now. The hair change seems to make a huge difference.

Guest Guppy

Likes the pic of Hansen that seems to show up only when I hit 'Reply' button . He looks adequately menacing

and not clean cut like in the other photos . During his AWA title run , and during appearrances in WCW afterword , his hairstyle was more Big Bossman buzz cut , and he liked to drool chewing tobacco -- Doubt thats a CAW feauture LOL ! He wore a Sid Vicious type black elbow wrap around his "Lariat" elbow , and he liked to swing his cowbell on his way to the ring .

When the AWA tried to curb his usage of it , he replied, " I got a fat wife and seven kids to feed, and if I got to use that damn bell to do it , then I will use that damn bell ."

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