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The Hart Foundation (Xbox 360)

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Well, with Kung Fu's 360 getting the RRoD, not sure if his will be posted, but I'll leave his caw shots in here in case anything changes and he can. Otherwise, the Bret, Owen, and Pillman are now posted!!!!!!!

The Hart Foundation

Bret "The Hitman" Hart

by Bhangra_Man

img-resized.png Reduced: 98% of original size [ 519 x 359 ] - Click to view full image

img-resized.png Reduced: 63% of original size [ 802 x 468 ] - Click to view full image



"Thanks to Wolfie for idea directions for face and attire finalization and thanks to Kung and Wolfie for general advice."

Face help pic:


Hart Logo:


Face type 6 then delete everything then

Head Morphing: 23, -1, 16

Forehead: -63, -81, -56, -31

Face Morphing:

Eyes: -23, -16, -21, -85, 8, -50,-20

Nose: 0, 9, 100, -10, -33, -63, 18, 18

Cheeks: -69, 31, 25, 12

Mouth: 28, -49, 16, -17, 28, 20, -19

Jaw: -24, -12, -7, 18, -23, -28

Ears: 10, -10, 10, 20

Skin Aging 26

Body Type: 4

Body Morphing:

Neck: 1, 6, -4

Chest: -26, -17, 20

Shoulders: 0, -3, -29

Abdomen: 0, 15, 17

Waist: 10,0

Arms: -49, -3, 0

Hands: 3, 2, 4

Legs: 7, -7, 7

Feet: 2, 6, 9

Height: 181cm.(matches up to around matt hardy height in game)

1.)Definition: 1

2.)Skin Tone: 12: (92, -4,-1, 7)

3.)Eye Type: 3: 90,-40,-18

4.)Eyebrows: 12 (86, -8, 10)

5.)Eyelashes: 15 (100,0,10)

6.)Lips: 13: (-95, -4, 0)

7.)Teeth: default

8.)Hair: 27 (87,0,-14,0)

9.) Wrestling Attire 3, (-13,-100,-55,100) * Move to be before underwear*

10.)Underwear 5 (stylize the highest ones): -70, -23, -3 *this helps with leg designs squaring off level with the top of tights.

11.)Face Paint: 84, (92, 9, 60, 15)

12.)Face make up: 28, (92, -28, -22, 81)

13.)Face marks/scars: 1,(92, -45, -4, 57)

14. Face marks/scars: 19, (92, -32, -2, 100)

15.)Face: Design symbol: 93, rotate twice, second biggest horizontal and vertical, place on nose, see help pic, (93, -58, 45, 39)

16.)Face: Design symbol: 146, rotate twice, smallest horizontal, second biggest vertical, place on nose, see help pic, (93, -58, 45, 37)

17.)Face: Signs Page 1: fourth row, third column, the “(“, rotate three times, biggest horizontal and vertical, place above his right eye, see help pic, (90, -42, -56, 19)

18.)Face: Signs Page 1: fourth row, third column, the “(“, rotate three times, biggest horizontal and vertical, place above his left eye, see help pic, (91, -42, -56, 09)

19.)Face: Design symbol: 93, rotate twice, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on upper mouth, see help pic, (92, -66, 3, 4)

20.)Face: Design symbol: 93, rotate twice, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on upper mouth, see help pic, (92, -51, -5, 8)

21.)Face: Letters Alphabet Page 2: fourth row, fourth column, the “v“, rotate, second biggest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on center of upper lip, see help pic, (90, -42, -56, 19)

22.)to make eyebrows darker, design 99,rotate 1*,second smallest horizontal,

second biggest vertical, place on eyebrow on inner area, (93,-100,-46, 12)

23.)same as above but for other eyebrow, (93, -100, -46, 15)

24.)Face: Design symbol: 138, second smallest horizontal and vertical, place on lip cleft, see help pic, (92, -66, 30, 44)

25.)Face: Design symbol: 138, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on lip cleft, see help pic, (92, -66, -2, 6)

26.)face design 4, biggest vertical,smallest horizontal, place as in pic,(88,-34,-37,100)

27) face design,7 , rotate 1*,smallest horizontal,second smallest vertical,(88,0,-40,100)

28.)face design 7 rotate 1*,second smallest vertical, smallest horizontal,(92,0,-24,100)

29.)face design 7, rotate 1*,smallest horizontal,biggest vertical,(85,-77,-33,100)

30.)Face: Design symbol: 142, smallest horizontal, second smallest vertical, place on tip of nose, see help pic, (92, -61, 43, 100)

31.)wrestling tights 1, (-70,-23,25,100,100)

32.)wrestling tights designs (leg paint) 144...make white

33) wrestling tights designs (leg paint) 5...make white

34) Torso>Flags>Japanese Flag, rotate once, make 1 less horizontal from default size, largest vertical and place on center on white areas on leg matching to top of tights...make black

35) Leg>Flags>Japanese Flag, rotate once, make 1 less horizontal from default size, largest

vertical and place on center on white areas on leg matching to top of tights make black but place behind kneepad

36-37) repeat 34 and 35 on other leg

38)Torso>Symbols 103, make one less horizontal from default size, largest vertical then make white and place in center inside the black flag making it now a white stripe with 2 black lines on the outside on top of the flame design on leg

39) Leg> Sumbols 103: make one less horizontal from default size, largest vertical then make white and place in center inside the black flag making it now a white stripe with 2 black lines on the outside on top of the flame design on leg and this time place behind kneepad

40-41) repeat on other leg

42) Torso>Symbols 103, smallest horizontal, largest vertical...and center inside the white making it now 2 black lines with white lines with pink insides

43) Leg>Symbols 103, make smallest horizontal, largest vertical

, largest vert...make same pink a tights (note...pinks of the Hart logo start w/ -70, so start all pinks including tights with that) and center inside the white making it now 2 black lines w/ white lines w/pink insides (place behine kneepad and after #4)

44-45) repeat on other leg

46)WWE 70: Largest Horizontal, , second largest vertical : -100, -100, 0, 100 see help pic

47)Design 93: Second Smallest Horizontal, , Smallest Vertical : -70, -1, 52, 100 see help pic

48)Design 138: Largest Horizontal, Second largest vertical : match to the black of attire see help pic

49)Design 120: Second Smallest Horizontal, Smallest vertical, : 100, 0, 27, 100 see help pic

50)Design 138: Largest Horizontal, , second largest vertical: match to the black of attire see help pic

51)Design 113: Smallest Horizontal and vertical, 87, -100, 7, 100 see help pic

52)Alphabet Page 2, lower case V: Second smallest horizontal, smallest vertical, -70, 0, 0, 100 see help pic

53-56) Place 4 of these as in normal attire pics for hearts like design on leg on right leg

Legs > Alphabet page 3: the V, smallest vertical and second largest horizontal, make black

57) kneepads: 15, -70, -35, 25,100 : Remember to make sure kneepads come after all the leg designs on tights are complete

58.) Boots 29, 1st color make white

2nd color make black

59) Elbow pads: 1, make black

60) wristbands 15, (-69, -81,36,100)

61) Sunglasses : 17

"The King of Harts" Owen Hart

by WolfgangJT



“The King of Harts” Owen Hart – 2x Slammy Winner attire

By WolfgangJT

Help Pics:


**NOTE: Make sure you have everything in the order that is in the formula. Parts of the attire do require some changing of places in the list to work. Also note that afterwards, the underwear will disappear while adding things like designs, etc. You can get it to show again by simply going to the selection, change the type down one then back up, then re-do the color. You may have to do this several times for design placements, then again at the end before saving the final caw.

Face template 1, delete all unneeded layers.

Head Morphing: 32, 25, -38

Forehead: -26, -24, -31, 16

Face Morphing:

Eyebrows: -100, 18, -56, -53

Eyes: -13, 1, -38, -35, 31, -7, -11

Nose: 0, -81, 8, 6, -34, -12, 28, -24

Cheeks: -51, -96, 12, -3

Mouth: 92, -47, -52, -46, 19, 37, -4

Jaw: -60, -17, -6, 21, -75, -100

Ears: 0, 0, 0, 0

Skin Aging: 16

Body Type: 0

Body Morphing:

Neck: -55, 7, 22

Chest: 1, -15, 11

Shoulders: 5, 5, -51

Abdomen: -54, 28, -1

Waist: 19, 0

Arms: -34, -24, 0

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: -17, -5, 0

Feet: 0, 0, 0

Height: 178cm

1. Definition 5

2. Skin Tone 6: 89, 0, 0, -100

3. Eye Type 1: 13, 0, 0

4. Eyebrows 21: 87, 0, 0

5. Eyelashes 1

6. Lips 13: -98, 0, -1

7. Teeth: default

8. Hair 15: 81, -11, 19

9. Wrestling Attire 1: -100, -100, -80

10. Underwear 22: -70, -1, 11

11. Face Paint 67: 90, 35, 53, 25

12. Head>Skin>Marks/Scars 1: 91, -48, 14, 100

13. Head>Skin>Marks/Scars 19: 91, -18, 0, 77

14. Makeup 11 (default stylized): 91, -4, 28, 36

15: Underwear 3 (stylize to the shorter blue ones): -13, -100, -76, 100

16. Torso>Back>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -30, 100

17. Torso>Back>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -30, 100

18. Torso>Front>Symbol 95, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 80, -32, -2, 86

19. Torso>Back>Symbol 95, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 80, -32, -2, 86

20. Legs>Right Leg>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100

21. Legs>Right Leg>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100

22. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 99, rotate twice, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -57, -100, -28, 100

23. Legs>Left Leg>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100

24. Legs>Left Leg>Symbol 103, rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100

25. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 99, rotate twice, largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -57, -100, -28, 100

26. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 70: Largest H, 2nd Largest V, place as seen in help pics: -100, -100, 0, 100

27. Torso>Front>Symbol 93: 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, -1, 52, 100

28. Torso>Front>Symbol 138: Largest H, 2nd Largest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100

29. Torso>Front>Symbol 120: 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 27, 100

30. Torso>Front>Symbol 138: Largest H, 2nd Largest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -35, 100

31. Torso>Front>Symbol 113: Smallest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 87, -100, 7, 100

32. Torso>Front>Letters>Alphabet Page 2, lower case V: 2nd Smallest H, Smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 0, 100

33. Head>Tattoos>Symbol 93, rotate twice, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 91, -61, 30, 20

34. Torso>Front>Letters>Numeral Page 8, the first 2, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 15, 11, 100

35. Torso>Front>Letters>Alphabet Page 4, the x, rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 3, 100

36. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 12, -3, 100

37. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: rotate once, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 7, -3, 100

38. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100

39. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: rotate once, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100

40. Torso>Front>Symbol 138, rotate once, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -31, 100

41. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 12, -3, 100

42. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: rotate three times, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 7, -3, 100

43. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100

44. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: rotate three times, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100

45. Torso>Rear>Symbol 138, rotate three times, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -31, 100

46. Torso>Front>Letters>Numeral Page 8, the first 2, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 15, 11, 100

47. Torso>Front>Letters>Alphabet Page 4, the x, rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 3, 100

48. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 12, -3, 100

49. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: rotate three times, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 7, -3, 100

50. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100

51. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 13: rotate three times, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100

52. Torso>Front>Symbol 138, rotate three times, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -31, 100

53. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 12, -3, 100

54. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: rotate once, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 7, -3, 100

55. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100

56. Torso>Rear>Logos>WWE 13: rotate once, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 72, -60, -32, 100

57. Torso>Rear>Symbol 138, rotate once, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -31, 100

58. Knee Pads 3: -13, -100, -72, 100

59. Facial Hair>Templates 16: 85, 0, 0, 0

60. Boots 1 (stylize to the medium length ones): -23, -100, -5

61. Head>Tattoos>Letters>Alphabet Page 17, the v, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 91, -48, 10, 79

62. Legs>Right Leg>Symbol 130, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place on boots as seen in help pics: -66, 0, 25, 100

63. Legs>Left Leg>Symbol 130, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place on boots as seen in help pics: -66, 0, 25, 100

"The Loose Cannon" Brian Pillman

by WolfgangJT



“The Loose Cannon” Brian Pillman – Hart Foundation casual attire

By WolfgangJT


Face template 2, delete all unneeded layers.

Head Morphing: -24, 12, 6

Forehead: 0, 15, 17, -20

Face Morphing:

Eyebrows: -100, 56, -20, -12

Eyes: 5, 21, -17, 27, 11, -32, -5

Nose: 8, -40, 97, -24, -3, -45, 20, 12

Cheeks: -19, -59, 17, 10

Mouth: -15, -65, -3, 5, -14, -30, -30

Jaw: -15, 12, 23, -20, 9, 0

Ears: 10, 10, 20, 0

Skin Aging: 15

Body Type: 0

Body Morphing:

Neck: -34, -5, -2

Chest: -4, 3, 4

Shoulders: 0, 3, 0

Abdomen: -3, 0, 14

Waist: 7, 9

Arms: -21, -17, 0

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: -5, 0, 2

Feet: -5, 2, 3

Height: 187cm

1. Definition 1

2. Skin Tone 2: 89, 3, -3, -33

3. Eye Type 6: 39, -25, -38

4. Eyebrows 7: 85, -14, 14

5. Eyelashes 4: 86, 0, 0

6. Lips 13: 100, 6, -7

7. Teeth: default

8. Hair 27: 82, 10, 21, 0

9. Underwear 6 (color doesn’t matter)

10. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 93, rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -38, 5, 1

11. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbols 100, 2nd smallest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -51, 34, 69

12. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 93, rotate twice, 2nd smallest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -38, 5, 1

13. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbols 100, rotate once, 2nd smallest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -51, 34, 69

14. Facial Hair>Mustache 12: 90, 44, 21, 51

15: Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbols 102, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -51, 34, 56

16. Facial Hair>Template 12: 89, 7, 10, 100

17. Facial Hair>Template 13: 86, 0, -7, 0

18. Face Paint 84: 89, 32, 39, 30

19. Wrestling Attire 6: -13, -100, -67, 100 * this is to help the open belly of the shirt with the “vest” on.

20. Facial Hair>Sideburns 10: 86, 0, 0, 0

21. Boots/Shoes 10: 100, 0, 0

22. Bottoms 16 (default stylized): -16, -100, -35

23. Tops 19 (default stylized, tucked in): -13, -100, -63

24. Tops 59 (tucked out): 100 , -100, -73 *set as entrance only if you don’t want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows…don’t if you want the vest to stay

25. Head>Skin>Marks/Scars 1: 89, -33, 25, 50

26. Head>Skin>Marks/Scars 19: 89, -21, -35, 46

27. Torso>Front>Symbol 138: rotate once, 2nd Largest H, Largest V, place as seen in help pics -8, -100, -19, 100

28. Torso>Front>Symbol 138: rotate three times, Largest H & V, place as seen in help pics -8, -100, -19, 100

29. Torso>Front>Symbol 103: 2nd largest H & smallest V, place as seen in help pics -8, -100, -19, 100

30. Makeup 1 (default stylized): 87, 0, 0, 3

31. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 70: largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 100, 100

32. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 70: largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -70, 0, 100, 100

33. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: rotate three times, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -21, 100

34. Torso>Front>Symbols 148: 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -18, 100

35. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, 59, 100

36. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: rotate three times, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -24, 100

37. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, 59, 100

38. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -14, 100

39. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -70, -34, 100, 78

40. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 14: 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 100, -100, 19, 100

41. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 14: 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 100, -100, 19, 100

42. Torso>Front>Symbols 146, rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -22, 100

43. Torso>Front>Symbols 146, rotate three times, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -22, 100

44. Torso>Front>Logos>WWE 90: largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 100, -100, 0, 85

45. Torso>Front>Symbols 98, rotate once, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -14, 100

46. Torso>Front>Symbols 98, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -14, 100

47. Torso>Front>Symbols 93: 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -14, 100

48. Torso>Front>Symbols 113: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 87, -100, 7, 100

49. Torso>Front>Letters>Alphabet Page 15, v, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -25, -100, 16, 100

50. Torso>Front>Symbols 103, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don’t want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows…don’t if you want the vest to stay

51. Torso>Front>Symbols 103, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don’t want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows…don’t if you want the vest to stay

52. Torso>Front>Symbols 146, rotate three times, 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don’t want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows…don’t if you want the vest to stay

53. Torso>Front>Symbols 103, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don’t want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows…don’t if you want the vest to stay

54. Torso>Front>Symbols 146, rotate once, 2nd largest H, largest V, place as seen in help pics: -18, -100, -33, 100 *set as entrance only if you don’t want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows…don’t if you want the vest to stay

55. Torso>Front>Letters>Signs Page 1, 1st row, 6th column, rotate once, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -25, -100, -40, 100 *set as entrance only if you don’t want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows…don’t if you want the vest to stay

56. Torso>Front>Letters>Signs Page 1, 1st row, 6th column, rotate once, largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: -25, -100, -40, 100 *set as entrance only if you don’t want the vest on during match so the Hitman shirt fully shows…don’t if you want the vest to stay

57. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 135, smallest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 98, 25, -48, 16

58. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 135, smallest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 98, 25, -42, 16

59. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 97, rotate once, 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -36, 5, 35

60. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 97, rotate once, 2nd largest H & V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -48, 24, 49

61. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 138, rotate twice, 2nd largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -48, 29, 23

62. Head>Face>Tattoos>Symbol 138, rotate twice, largest H, smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -52, 38, 32

63. Head>Face>Symbols 146, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, place as seen in help pics: 89, -55, 34, 64


thanks for posting on here.

The pics for Pillman need to be updated:


I accidentally pasted the wrong body pics when putting together the final shots...fixed later, so that one is the correct shots of the attire. :)


Great Pillman wolfgang, i'm really liking the Hart Foundation logo especially!

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks SmackTalks :)

Here's Kung Fu's Anvil and British Bulldog:

Kung Fu's:

Jim "Anvil" Neidhart

by Kung Fu


Help Pics,



Start with face Template 2

-Head Morphing-

Head: 10, 10, 20

Forehead: 0, -50, -30, -30

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: -100, 30, -100, 30

Eyes: 5, -25, -15, -10, -5, 30, -10

Nose: 0, -60, -10, -20, -10, 5, -20, 20

Cheeks: 5, 50, 30, 30

Mouth: 60, -40, -25, -20, -40, -10, -30

Jaw: -30, 15, 20, 15, 50, 100

Ears: -20, 20, -30, -60

Face> Skin> Skin Aging: 40

Body Type: 30

-Body Morphing-

Neck: -10, 10, 30

Chest: -30, 0, 5

Shoulder: -40, -10, -10

Abdomen: -20, 30, 20

Waist: 5, 5

Arms: -30, 5, 10

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: -10, -5, -5

Feet: 0, 0, 0

Height: 183cm (6'0")

01. Definition: 6

02. Face Skin Tone 10: 90, 0, -5, 10

03. Eye Type 3: 85, 0, -30

04. Eyebrows 13: 88, 0, 5

05. Eyelashes 15: 100, 0, 0

06. Lips 14: -96, 5, 0

07. Teeth 1: 86, 0, 0

08. Hair 48: 90, -5, 10

H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:

*Important* (make sure that all the layers in the Edit Layers Screen are in the order shown in the formula below, otherwise it might not look right)

09. Upper Body> Body Hair> Torso> Body Hair 5: 88, 5, 0, 80

10. Lower Body> Underwear 1: -13, -100, -100

11. Face Paint 53: 90, 35, 0, 10

12. Face> Skin> Marks/Scars 19: 90, -30, -5, 100

13. Makeup 28: 94, -30, 0, 80

14. Makeup 25: -95, -15, -10, 20

15. Makeup 18: 94, -30, 0, 100

16. Face Paint 70: 94, 30, 70, 30

17. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 142: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -60, 30, 30

18. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 146: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 96, -50, 30, 15

19. Facial Hair> Template 13: 88, 20, 0, 100

20. Facial Hair> Template 12: 88, 10, 10, 100

21. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 103: rotate once, 2nd largest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -60, 30, 100

22. Facial Hair> Goatee 1: 88, 10, 20, 40

23. Facial Hair> Goatee 2: 88, 15, -5, 100

24. Headwear> Other 33: 88, 0, 15

25. Upper Body> Elbow Pads 1: -13, -100, -60, 100

26. Upper Body> Wrist Bands 15: -13, -100, 30, 100

27. Upper Body> Wrestling Attire 3: -13, -100, -80, 100

28. Edit Layers> Wrestling Attire> Logos> WWE> Torso> WWE 70: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -100, -100, 0, 100

29. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 93: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -75, -30, 50, 100

30. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 138: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -40, 100

31. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 120: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, 27, 100

32. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 138: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -40, 100

33. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 113: smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 87, -100, 7, 100

34. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 2/17, the letter [v] 2nd smallest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -75, -25, 5, 100

35. Lower Body> Wrestling Tights 3: -75, -20, 100, 100, 100

36. Lower Body> Wrestling Tights 16: (stylize to the longest pair) -75, -20, 100, 100

37. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter [A] 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100

38. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter [N] 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100

39. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter [V] 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100

40. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100

41. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Back> Alphabet, Page 1/17, the letter [L] 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -60, 100

42. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

43. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

44. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 103: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

45. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 103: largest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

46. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

47. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

48. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

49. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

50. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Right Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

51. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Right Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

52. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Right Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

53. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

54. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

55. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 103: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

56. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 103: largest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

57. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

58. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 103: 2nd smallest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

59. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

60. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Torso> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

61. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Left Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

62. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Left Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

63. Body> Tattoos> Lettering> Legs> Left Leg> Alphabet, Page 3/17, the letter [H], rotate once, largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, -30, 100

64. Lower Body> Boots/Shoes 29: (1st color) -13, -100, -10, (2nd color) -80, -50, 20

-Crowd Signs-

Your Choice

Name: Jim Neidhart

Nickname: The Anvil

Nickname Placement: Middle

HUD Name: Neidhart

Announcer Introduction: James

Hometown: Calgary, Canada

Weight Class: Heavyweight 128kg (282lb)

Crowd Reaction: Bad


"British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith

by Kung Fu


Help Pics,




Start with face Template 3

-Head Morphing-

Head: 20, 5, 10

Forehead: -25, -10, 5, -15

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: -100, 30, 10, -60

Eyes: 0, -20, -15, -20, 10, 0, -20

Nose: 0, -60, 30, 0, -15, -20, -10, 25

Cheeks: 0, -40, -25, 0

Mouth: 80, -30, -10, -50, 0, 0, -40

Jaw: -40, -5, 10, 25, 30, 100

Ears: 5, -20, 10, 5

Face> Skin> Skin Aging: 30

Body Type: -20

-Body Morphing-

Neck: 0, 0, 10

Chest: -40, 10, 20

Shoulder: -20, -5, 0

Abdomen: 0, 20, 30

Waist: -25, 0

Arms: -20, -5, 20

Hands: -10, 10, 5

Legs: 10, 0, 10

Feet: -5, 0, -20

Height: 180cm (5'11")

01. Definition: 5

02. Face Skin Tone 8: 90, 0, -10, 20

03. Eye Type 1: 90, 10, -5

04. Eyebrows 1: 88, -10, 5

05. Eyelashes 15: 100, 0, 0

06. Lips 6: 96, -30, -10

07. Teeth 1: 86, 0, 0

08. Hair 11: 85, 10, -30

H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:

*Important* (make sure that all the layers in the Edit Layers Screen are in the order shown in the formula below, otherwise it might not look right)

09. Lower Body> Underwear 4: Pattern 3: -30, 0, 0

10. Face Paint 53: 90, 30, -5, 15

11. Makeup 28: 90, -30, 0, 70

12. Face> Skin> Marks/Scars 20: 90, -10, 10, 20

13. Makeup 14: 88, -40, -30, 20

14. Makeup 1: 87, 0, -30, 20

15. Facial Hair> Mustache 1: 86, -40, 10, 0

16. Facial Hair> Template 3: 88, 0, 0, 10

17. Face> Skin> Marks/Scars 16: 90, 0, 20, 10

18. Head> Tattoos> Lettering> Alphabet, Page 14/17, the letter 2nd largest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -60, 40, 0

19. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 138: 2nd smallest H, smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -60, 0, 20

20. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 142: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -60, -20, 0

21. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 94: rotate twice, 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 92, -55, 30, 20

22. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 97: largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 94, -50, 20, 20

23. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 104: smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 85, -60, -10, 20

24. Head> Tattoos> Symbols> Design 104: rotate once, smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 85, -60, -10, 20

25. Upper Body> Wrist Bands 21: -30, -10, -10, 100

26. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Arms> Right Arm> Design 4: smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -10, -5, 100

27. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Arms> Left Arm> Design 4: smallest H, largest V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -10, -5, 100

28. Upper Body> Wrist Bands 15: -13, -100, 30, 100

29. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 146: rotate twice, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100

30. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 146: rotate twice, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100

31. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 40, 100

32. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100

33. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 40, 100

34. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100

35. Edit Layers> Underwear> Logos> Flag> Torso> Flag 2: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, -30, 100

36. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 100: rotate once, 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100

37. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 100: 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100

38. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 100: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100

39. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 100: rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100

40. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -58, 25, 100

41. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Torso> Design 103: rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -58, 25, 100

42. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 40, 100

43. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100

44. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 40, 100

45. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 148: 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -30, -20, -5, 100

46. Edit Layers> Underwear> Logos> Flag> Back> Flag 2: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, -30, 100

47. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 100: rotate once, 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100

48. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 100: 2nd smallest H & V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100

49. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 100: 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100

50. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 100: rotate once, 2nd largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, -10, 20, 100

51. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 103: rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -55, 20, 100

52. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Back> Design 103: rotate once, largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -55, 20, 100

53. Lower Body> Socks 1: -30, 100, -60, 52

54. Edit Layers> Socks> Logos> Flag> Right Leg> Flag 2: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, -30, 100

55. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 97: rotate once, largest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -60, 30, 100

56. Edit Layers> Socks> Logos> Flag> Left Leg> Flag 2: largest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) 100, 0, -30, 100

57. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 97: rotate once, largest H, 2nd largest V, (see help pics for placement) 90, -60, 30, 100

58. Lower Body> Boots/Shoes 1: (stylize to the medium length pair) 100, 100, 15

59. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 57: rotate 3 times, smallest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 30, 100

60. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 57: rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

61. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Right Leg> Design 57: rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

62. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 57: rotate 3 times, smallest H, 2nd smallest V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 30, 100

63. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 57: rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

64. Body> Tattoos> Symbols> Legs> Left Leg> Design 57: rotate twice, 2nd largest H & V, (see help pics for placement) -13, -100, 50, 100

-Crowd Signs-

Your Choice

Name: Davey Boy Smith

Nickname: British Bulldog

Nickname Placement: None

HUD Name: Bulldog

Announcer Introduction: The Bull

Hometown: Manchester, England

Weight Class: Heavyweight 115kg (255lb)

Crowd Reaction: Bad



all these r spot on, i'm amazed, great job to all

  • 2 weeks later...

All look great except Bret. But then again, this is also the best Bret Hart CAW I've seen, so by those standards it's awesome.

  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

you guys are good 10/10

Edited by ECW rulez

That Jim Neidhart look's great, almost like its from the real roster!

  • 3 months later...

jim looks grrrreat thay dont call him the anvil for nothin ..he wad like a ton of steel..when he was wrestlin..i loved him more than "the best" bret hart... yeah bret was good in submishions but you couldnt kill jim ..one good hit bret was down ..for the count...well untill steve austin put him in crutches...lmao hahahaha gteat jim "the anvil" niedhart..caw...brovo looks like you realy worked hard on him..good work

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