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Please read if you have SvR 09 and have XBox LIVE.

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If you have Svr09 and have XBox live, then please read...

Whenever I face someone online, as soon as the bell rings, people tend to "get straight into the match" by running and clotheslining people straight away.. I dunno about you guys, but i find it damn annoying... I know you want to win and everyting, but, why can't we have a fair match?

I'm not exaggerating when i say, i was facing someone in a match, I was Rey Mysterio and the other guy was Undertaker. As soon as the match started, he ran, ddt'd me and stomped me until my body went red... I think that's pretty sad, i was a cruiserweight, and he was undertaker and he never even let me up... he must of stomped me litterally 50-70 times. I think it would be better if we all made the matches more realistic.

By not doing what this idiot did.

But this is just my opinion....

Posted (edited)

Every ranked match ive had online its always been against Taker, fact is most people online choose cheap tricks to win which just spoils the game. Plus with alot of games having lag issues it makes reversing everything so much harder.

As far as online goes i found TNA iMPACT to have a better online even though it was limited it was more even between players.

Edited by ALL STAR

I usually used chris jericho, shelton benjamin or randy orton online. Whenever i played ranked it was either caws with cheap move sets or some guy with cheap stikes. It can get annoying but if you cant to beat these guys play dirty and be good at reversing.


play against joe. he'll beat the hell out of you but he'll do it realisticly, proper moves, taunts when he can get away with them and very few stomps etc.

Posted (edited)

Xd I get what ur saying (Sammy G) but you see when people are like that u gotta play the way they play ( If there gonna be cheap Ect on you then be cheap on them)

What i do is I play a round with the and if they beat me being cheap then i just tell them a rematch and pick my Caw ( As i use Undertaker cause he is my favorite or i use me cause i always make me adn my finishers ( I will edmit they are chap as soon as i do them ur red) But they wont be like that as i seen better, well cooler ones :D

And i no every one uses undertaker cause of his WM streek and how he is in the ring

( My advise is to you Sammy G there chap do it rate back (KICK THE FUCK OUT OF THEM)

Mabey Ill team with u to be ur back up i'm good tag peartner :D might see u Xd

Edited by Svr09-gamertag-croft420

Thanks Croft420, I'll definately look into that!

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