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Beer Money Inc. (PS3)

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James Storm:Face by KRadiation/Mustacio Attire by KRadtiation/Mustacio





Start with Face Template 9


Hair: 38/71 79, 0, -5, 0

-Head Morphing-

Head: 29, 10, -11

Forehead: -30, -100, -40, 5


Eye Type: 1/9 -20, 0, 5

Eyelashes: Default

Eyebrows: 20/39 88, 0, -3

Lips: 14/17 100, 8, -3

Teeth: Default

Skin: 12/12 88, 3, -1, 10

Skin Aging: 15

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: -100, -74, 30, -15

Eyes: -41, -20, 1, -24, 4, 37, 1

Nose: -11, -88, 53, 9, -12, -33, 9, 20

Cheeks: -47, 33, 29, 25

Mouth: 90, -41, 7, -23, -16, 24, -29

Jaw: -63, 7, 1, 9, -20, -40

Ears: -10, 10, 40, 10

Height: 183cm


Body Type: 0

-Body Morphing-

Neck: -22, 12, 15

Chest: -20, -9, 9

Shoulders: -33, 14, 0

Abdomen: 11, 12, 7

Waist: 14, 21

Arms: -13, 1, 3

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: 10, 6, 10

Feet: 0, 0, 0

Definition: 5/9

Layer Order

9 - 4/23 [Largest Style] -100, 10, 30

10 - Goatee 7/14 86, -30, -20, 50

11 - Sideburns 11/17 86, 0, 0, 80

12 - Goatee 13/14 86, 0, 0, 30

13 - Make up 28/29 89, -25, 0, 100

14 - Design 138/149 (On Face) 89, -65, 72, 8

15 - Mustache 12/13 100, 0, 0, 0

16 - Design 138/149 (On Face) 89, -64, -9, 20

17 - Marks/Scars 22/23 (The Vampiro Design with makeup on Cheeks) -100, 45, 7, 1

18 - Alphabet 12/17 (On Face) 'V' 89, -65, 72, 8

19 - Wrestling Tights 17/18 (Shortest Style) Colour 1 25, 40, -20 Colour 2 100, 80, 35

20 - Knee Pads 14/16 -100, -100, -74, 100

21 - Arms/Wrists (Left Only) 15/21 -13, -100, 29, 100

22 - Elbows 2/10 -100, -9, -20, 100

23 - Hands 6/16 (Right Only) -13, -100, 0, 100

The Follwoing 3 create the lines on the front of the trunks

24 - Design (On Body) 96/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

25 - As Above but move to the right

26 - As Above -18, -100, -27, 100 Place in between the 2 above white lines (Move the last 3 layers around now to position them correctly

Edit the trunks to add WWE logos

27 - WWE 101/102 on trunks 76, -100, 15, 100

28 - WWE 98/102 72, -100, 0, 100

29 - WWE 98/102 72, -100, 0, 100

Edit the elbow pads to add these WWE designs

30 - WWE 41/102 83, -100, 40, 100

31 - As above on the other elbow pad

32 - Boots/Shoes 2/37 [smallest Style] -100, -100, -79

Alternative Boots/Shoes 29/37 Colour 1 default Black Colour 2 98, -100, 33


Robert Roode: Face by KRadiation/MustacioAttire by KRadiation




Start with Face Template 12


Hair: 27/71 87, 0, -16, 14

-Head Morphing-

Head: 21, -3, -4

Forehead: 0, -81, -16, 12


Eye Type: 6/9 -16, -26, -33

Eyelashes: 2/15 86, 0, 0

Eyebrows: 1/39 88, 0, 0

Lips: 14/17 100, 6, -2

Teeth: Default

Skin: 12/12 88, 2, -2, 14

Skin Aging: 20

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: -100, 100, -20, -30

Eyes: -80, -1, 31, -39, -6, -39, 2

Nose: -10, -75, 74, 16, -20, -25, -26, 7

Cheeks: 9, 31, 3, 42

Mouth: 68, -43, 29, -50, -27, -69, -40

Jaw: -25, 35, 11, 18, 3, 30

Ears: -4, -96, 10, 23

Height: 183cm


Body Type: 0

-Body Morphing-

Neck: -12, 12, 15

Chest: -27, -5, 9

Shoulders: -73, 20, 0

Abdomen: 11, 16, 7

Waist: 14,21

Arms: -13, 4, 6

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: 10, 10, 14

Feet: 0, 0, 0

Definition: 4/9

Layer Order

9 - Underwear 4/23 [Largest Style] -100, 10, 30

10 - Knee Pads 3/16 -13, -100, -60, 100

11 - Knee Pads 5/16 -100, 5, -30, 100

12 - Arm Accessories 4/15 -15, -100, -60

13 - Templates 15/27 85, 11, 10, 100

14 - Templates 1/27 86, 5, 5, 100

15 - Goatee 7/14 86, 3, 0, 100

16 - Mustache 12/13 87, 34, 16, 100

17 - Wrestling Tights 17/18 (Shortest Style) Colour 1 25, 40, -20 Colour 2 100, 80, 35

18 - Alphabet 1/17 'S' (Largest H, 2nd largest V) -25, -100, 27, 100

19 - Alphabet 2/17 's' (Largest Sizes) -25, -100, -65, 100

20 - Repeat 18 on the other boot

21 - Repeat 19 on the other boot

The Follwoing 3 create the lines on the front of the trunks

22 - Design (On Body) 96/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

23 - As Above but move to the right

24 - As Above -18, -100, -27, 100 Place in between the 2 above white lines (Move the last 3 layers around now to position them correctly

Edit the trunks to add WWE logos

25 - WWE 101/102 on trunks 76, -100, 15, 100

26 - WWE 98/102 72, -100, 0, 100

27 - WWE 98/102 72, -100, 0, 100

28 Boots/Shoes 1/37 (Largest Style) -25, -100, -7

29-32 Optional for Dollar-signs on the kneepads.

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