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Petey Williams (PS3) [Attire Extension For .iKnow-Milk's CAW]

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iKnowMilk's Petey Wiliams Formula

Attire Formula

9 - Underwear 4/23 [shortest Style] -40, -40, -40

10 - Face Paint 67 (Face Formula)

11 - Marks/Scars 1/23 (Face Formula)

12 - Fcial Hair Templates 27 (Face Formula)

13 - Knee Pads 14/16 -100, -100, -70, 100

14 - Knee Pads 5/16 -40,-40, -40, 100

15 - Arms/Wrists [Left Only] 17/21 -13, -100, -100, 100

16 - Hands 1/16 -40, -40, -30, 100

17 - Boots/Shoes 30/37 [Colour 1] -24, -100, -15 [Colour 2] -40, 40, -45

Edit the Underwear to add logo's

18 - WWE 55/102 (Rotate twice, largest H smallest V) 97, -100, 19, 100

19 - WWE 86/102 (Rotate twice, Smallest V, 2nd Largest H) Place on the centre of the underwear as in help image 72, 0, 0, 100

20 - Design 103/149 (2nd Smallest sizes) Place to the side of the wwe logo and just out of the crotch blur -18, -50, 52, 100

21 - Repeat on the other side of the WWE logo -18, -50, 52, 100

22 - Design 103/149 (2nd Largest H, 2nd smallest V) Place just to the outer side of the previous layer -18, -50, 52, 100

23 - Repeat on the other side of the underwear -18, -50, 52, 100

Creating the white belt line

24 - Design 103/149 Rotate once (Smallest V, Largest H) Place in the centre of the underwear. Default White Colour

25 - Repeat the last layer 4 more times and then move them slightly to cover any tiny gaps

29 - Design 104/149 Smallest V 2nd largest H -18, -50, 52, 100

30 - Repeat on the other side and rotate once -18, -50, 52, 100

Edit the boots

31 - WWE 101/102 Rotate 3 times (Smallest V Largest H) 76, -100, -10, 100

32 - Repeat on the other boot

For the red attire

Underwear colour -100, 10, 10

2nd knee pads -100, -11, -15, 100

Hands -100, -11, -15, 100

Boots 2nd colour -100, 80, -20

WWE logo on the boots 76, -100, -30, 100

tassles on underwear -18, -100, 38, 100

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