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Sting [Old School Attire] (Xbox 360)

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Basic Face: 1

Head Morphing:

Head: -5, -10, 5

Forehead: -70, 45, 55, -10

Face Morphing:

Eyebrows: 40, 100, -25, -40

Eyes: -20, 25, 5, 0, 23, 20, -15

Nose: 0, -30, 15, 0, -5, -8, -15, 55

Cheeks: -75, 20, 20, -45

Mouth: 36, -5, 5, -1, -7, 0, -60

Jaw: 10, 35, 10, -5, -5, 6

Ears: 15, 0, 20, 10

Skin Aging: 20

Height: 188cm

Body Type:

Body Type: 5

Body Morphing:

Neck: -31, -10, 0

Chest: -40, -5, -5

Shoulders: -100, -20, -10

Abdomen: -50, -5, 0

Waist: 2, 2

Arms: -40, -10, -5

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: -10, -10, 5

Feet: -20, -5, -5


01. Definition: 7/9

02. Skin Tone: 12/12 88, 0, 0, 0

03. Eye Type: 1/9 86, 5, -7

04. Eyebrows: 1/39

05. Eyelashes: Default

06. Lips: 1/17

07. Teeth: Default

08. Hair: 48/71 82, -4, 60

09. Underwear: 2/23 -10, -20, 0

10. Face Paint: 67/89 -10, 40, 60, 100

11. Face Design: 98/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

12. Face Design: 97/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

13. Face Design: 142/149 88, -62, 32, 100

14. Face Design: 93/149 88, -62, 32, 100

15. Face Design: 142/149 88, -62, 32, 100

16. Face Design: 142/149 88, -62, 32, 100

17. Face Design: 97/149 88, -62, 32, 100

18. Face Design: 97/149 88, -62, 32, 100

19. Face Design: 98/149 88, -62, 32, 100

20. Face Design: 98/149 88, -62, 32, 100

21. Face Design: 103/149 88, -62, 32, 100

22. Face Design: 142/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

23. Face Design: 142/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

24. Face Design: 97/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

25. Face Design: 142/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

26. Face Design: 93/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

27. Face Design: 98/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

28. Face Design: 138/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

29. Face Design: 142/149 -10, -55, 45, 100

30. Face Design: 98/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

31. Face Design: 142/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

32. Face Design: 97/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

33. Face Design: 98/149 88, -62, 32, 100

34. Face Design: 98/149 -18, -100, 59, 100

35. Face Design: 100/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

36. Face Design: 138/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

37. Face Design: 100/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

38. Face Design: 100/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

39. Face Design: 98/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

40. Face Design: 98/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

41. Face Design: 100/149 88, -62, 32, 100

42. Marks: 16/23 90, 0, 0, 20

43. Face Paint: 39/89 -91, 20, 0, 5

44. Face Design: 99/149 88, -60, 0, 5

45. Mustache: 11/13 93, 0, 0, 0

46. Face Design: 95/149 88, -65, 35, 60

47. Face Design: 95/149 88, -65, 35, 60

48. Face Design: 99/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

49. Face Design: 99/149 -18, -100, -27, 100

50. Face Design: 99/149 88, -62, 32, 100

51. Face Design: 99/149 88, -62, 32, 100

52. Knee Pads: 1/16 -10, -35, 5, 100

53. Tights: 16/18 (Long) -10, -35, 5, 100

54. Arm-Accessories: 12/15 100, 0, 5, 100

55. Boots: 1/37 -25, -100, 72

56. (R. Leg) WWE: 83/102 -100, -100, 70, 100

57. (R. Leg) WWE: 83/102 -100, -100, 70, 100

58. (R. Leg) WWE: 3/102 -100, -100, 100, 100

59. (R. Leg) WWE: 3/102 -100, -100, 100, 100

60. (R. Leg) WWE: 7/102 -100, -100, 60, 100

61. (R. Leg) WWE: 41/102 -100, -100, 80, 100

62. (R. Leg) WWE: 7/102 -100, -100, 60, 100

63. (R. Leg) WWE: 7/102 -100, -100, 60, 100

64. (R. Leg) Design: 142/149 -10, -35, 50, 100


the face paint definetly needs work but the rest is pretty damn good.


definetly needs work

Yea it dose. I dont see any good creation looks in it at all. But thats just me


I'll make him myself later on and fool with the face paint and see if I can come up with somthing that looks alittle better. sting is one of my absolute favorites so I'll definetly take the time to get the face paint right

Posted (edited)

That is pretty much perfect you idiots. The face paint is fine.


Edited by Deadman Inc

lmao i was looking for a reference pic because i was sure he had something like that, where did you find it?

if you want to nitpick tho, i think the very top oval bit should be moved further up lmao

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