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does anyone know anywhere where someone can complain directly to THQ about why they keep putting the damn blur on the crotch and on the ass cause that pisses me off that I can't make the trunks I wanna make.


it's to stop ppl making fake body parts, naked caws etc etc


But if you're not allowed to use CAWs online that use designs then whats the point??


to avoid complaints from parents etc that their sone is playing a wrestlnig game with naked ppl and big cocks

.... he just did a move called the rape and it looked like actual rape, im going to sue thq


ok the blur on the crotch that does make sense because I know how overreactive parents can be to the smallest thing but why the ass too who hasen't seen an asscrack on tv and u can't make the trunks or underwear to match flesh color anyway so that explanation doesn't make that much sense.


but its the actual explanation for it.

also, this game is sold worldwide, just because its ok in some countries to show asscrack before the watershed doesnt mean its ok in all of them, they are covering all bases.


for some reason...the attire designs (the logos eg. WWE, design, text, etc) are absolutely terrible this year. the selections are great, but for some weird reason they are really irritating to move around your caw's body. like if you want to put in a very specific region (like if you are getting a really detailed caw from the net) when you move the design on the body it has a terrible lag. first you move it, and the image disappears from the screen and then when you let go of the joystick, it reappears where you moved it. there is no continual movement which makes it very hard to like add wrinkles as facial features because you are constantly overshooting and undershooting your destination.

maybe its not like that on all versions but i have the 360 one. i didn't have this prob last year with the 08 and not even on ANY of the previous sd's on the ps2...so i don't understand how such a step back happened like this.


Yeah, I know what you mean, it can be really annoying on the 360. Surely it can't be too hard to have it stay on screen and resize. I'd like to see next years game allow you to increase or decrease the size of shapes with a slider, instead of having set sizes to use. The amount of times i've used shapes and tried to peice them together, only to find the size is wrong gets really annoying.


I thought the WWE logos this year were pretty good there are a couple they got rid of I was mad at but overall pretty good I was just pissed over the blur because they finally have the R in the square that goes on edge's tights and when I went to make the Rated R tights the R logo disappeared and I was like what the hell this is the 360 why do they insist on haveing that blur...I got my question somewhat answered but I'm still extremely pissed off over it.

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