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Referee Modifiers

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Posted (edited)

These will allow you to change Earl Hebner or Mike Chioda into anyone else during a match:

Modify Hebner: 1A111A86 000000??

Modify Chioda: 1AF11A79 000000??

00 The Rock

01 Steve Austin

02 Triple H

03 Undertaker

04 Rob Van Dam

05 Kurt Angle

06 Chris Jericho

07 Kane

08 Booker T

09 Chris Benoit

0A Edge

0B Christian

0C Matt Hardy

0E Lita

0F Bubba Ray Dudley

10 D-Von Dudley

12 Lance Storm

13 Scott Steiner

14 Stephanie McMahon

15 Vince McMahon

16 Eric Bischoff

17 Rey Mysterio

19 Test

1A Big Show

1B Trish Stratus

1C Tajiri

1D Rikishi

1E Ric Flair

1F Stacy Keibler

22 Rico

25 Chavo Guerrero

26 Victoria

27 John Cena

28 The Hurricane

2A Torrie Wilson

2C Brock Lesnar

2D Shawn Michaels

2E Goldust

2F Goldberg

30 Sable

38 Eddie Guerrero

3A Sargeant Slaughter

3B Rodney Mack

3C Batista

3D Randy Orton

3E Val Venis

40 A-Train

42 Kevin Nash

43 Steven Richards

44 Roddy Piper

45 Ted Dibiase

46 Jimmy Snuka

47 Sean O

Edited by MFury

Great work, MFury - will be definitely using these each time I play HCTP.


Good codes MFury the hacking 4 this game is gettin 2 the same stages as SD2 KYR



Try These

GS 2v2

Mike Chioda


Earl Hebner

CEB2A536 BCA99B??

I'm not sure which values are correct for GS, but here are both anyway.......

Let me know which values are correct in case I decide to convert some other codes.......

Should be GS:

83 The Rock

84 Steve Austin

85 Triple H

86 Undertaker

87 Rob Van Dam

88 Kurt Angle

89 Chris Jericho

8A Kane

8B Booker T

8C Chris Benoit

8D Edge

8E Christian

8F Matt Hardy

91 Lita

92 Bubba Ray Dudley

93 D-Von Dudley

95 Lance Storm

96 Scott Steiner

97 Stephanie McMahon

98 Vince McMahon

99 Eric Bischoff

9A Rey Mysterio

9C Test

9D Big Show

9E Trish Stratus

9F Tajiri

A0 Rikishi

A1 Ric Flair

A2 Stacy Keibler

A4 Rico

A7 Chavo Guerrero

A8 Victoria

A9 John Cena

AA The Hurricane

AC Torrie Wilson

AE Brock Lesnar

AF Shawn Michaels

B0 Goldust

B1 Goldberg

B2 Sable

BA Eddie Guerrero

BB Sargeant Slaughter

BC Rodney Mack

BD Batista

BE Randy Orton

BF Val Venis

C0 A-Train

C2 Kevin Nash

C3 Steven Richards

C4 Roddy Piper

C5 Ted Dibiase

C6 Jimmy Snuka

C7 Sean O


the gs2 v2 codes work but you can only edit one ref at a time because i made hebner bischoff and chioda flair but they were both flair so they work just use one at a time.

Posted (edited)

I tried to use the GS2V2 to change Earl Hebner into The Undertaker (old school), but I have yet to unlock him. But, now in season, I have no ref at all, and there is no "pin count" or "rope break" sound. But the match still plays as if the ref was there, other than the fact that there is no ref to throw out partners in tag team matches. So it's easier to win a tag team match because you can constantly have a 2 on 1 and keep the other man out.

EDIT: Also with this when trying to play a match in exhibition, all intros will play, but when it gets to the loading screen for a match, it never loads. So which set of values are to be used, and seeing from caseyjones post above, which ref code do we use?

Edited by IamPayne

I converted the Earl code to GS2v3, and it was supposed to be the Rock, but of all people it turned Earl into...Jim Ross, someone not on the list. I wonder who else there is...do you think this can lead to removed characters? :p


Yeah, but it'll be the same as the wrestler mods. Like put the value as 90 for Jeff Hardy as the ref and in theory it'd work but the game will probs crash when you start, other characters such as tazz, JR, Hogan etc may work.


I converted this to PAL using the 300 offset but it didnt work so I tried a few other ways and it still wouldnt work, does the GS version work?


How the hell do you make the referees normal again?

I made ric flair the ref and even if i turn off the code he is still the ref...someone please help me out here!

Posted (edited)

Use either 000000031 or 00000033 as the ending digits. this should put Hebner or Chioda back as the referee you need.

I guess when posted the code, I forgot to men tion that it will save.

Edited by BigBossman

but when i try to change it to anyone else it just stays flair.

and yes you might've missed that little important fact that it saves


If that doesn't work I don't know what else to say. All I know is when I did this, I didn't realize that it would save. Until after I got to playing the season.

After switching memory cards I tried modifying Mike Chioda's moves to make him attack instaed of just chewing you out. Unfortuanately, my game kept crashing every time Chioda was the ref. so I had to earase my save & start over.


ok....so your telling me that I can either have Flair as the ref for all of time or delete all of my Caws and season info?

Those choices suck. Why wouldn't the code work to turn flair back into chioda and hebner? It didn't. I don't understand why.

Please give all the warnings and info on your codes in the future.

I guess I was the only dumbass to try this freakin code.

Posted (edited)

sorry I got mad at you but this really sucks. When I used the code in the first place it was just to test to see if it worked and even then I thought that it would put the referee shirt on whoever it was i made the ref..please try to figure out a way to change the referees back to normal without me having to scrap my savegame.

ok i was messing around with it and now I have no referee!!!

help please

Edited by caseyjones

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