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Rikishi (Xbox 360)

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Name: Rikishi

HUD Name: Rikishi

Nickname: Default

Nickname Placement: None

Announcer Introduction: Big Daddy

Hometown: Florida

Gender: Male

Weight Class: 400 lbs

Match Tactic: Clean

Show: Smackdown

Voice: Voice 5

Match Specialty: None


Hair:Hair:36 x:82 y:10 s:57 hs:-72

Eyes:1 x:100 y:-39 s:-27

Eyebrows:42 x:89 y:-100 s:-100

Facial Hair: x: y: s: a:

Lips: Lips:1 x:96 y:0 s:-10

Skin Tones:1

Eyelashes:1 x:87 y:0 s:0



Head: -14/ 30/ 34

Forehead: 0/ 0/ 0/ 0/


Eyebrows: -37\ -9\ 58\ 16

Eyes: -42\ 100\ 0\ -28\ 42\ 100\ 2

Nose: -41\ 100\ 66\ -47\ 0\ 61\ 0\ 70

Cheeks: 49\ 50\ 61\ 46

Mouth: 86\ 0\ -59\ 17\ -52\ -100\ -100

Jaw: 0\ 44\ 34\ 66\ 0\ 35

Ears: 48\ -100\ 100\ -100

Skin Aging:50


Body Type: 100


Neck: -100\ 0\ 0

Chest: 0\ 0\ 100

Shoulder: 0\ 0\ 0

Abdomen: 0\ 0\ 0

Waist: 0\ 100

Arms: 0\ 0\ 0

Hands: 0\ 0\ 0

Legs: 0\ 0\ 0

Feet: 0\ 0\ 0

Body Skin:6 x:84 y:22 s:-8 s:41

Body Hair: None

Body Height:6'3"


1.Body Skin:6 x:84 y:22 s:-8 s:41

2.Face Skin Tones: 1

3.Eyes:1 x:100 y:-39 s:-27

4.Eyebrows:42 x:89 y:-100 s:-100

5.Eyelashes:1 x:87 y:0 s:0

6.Lips:1 x:96 y:0 s:-10

7.Teeth: default

8.Hair:36 x:82 y:10 s:57 hs:-72

9.Body Hair: Default

10.Underwear:4 x:-26 y:-100 s:-100

This Section Is for the upper leg tassels. (see Pics for refrence)

11.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

12.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

13.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

14.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

15.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

16.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

17.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

18.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

19.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

20.Knee Pads:3 Color: x:-13 y:-78 s:-74 a:100

21.Elbow Pads:2 Color: x:-13 y:-78 s:-74 a:100

22.Wristband:1 Color: x:-26 y:100 s:-100 a:100 l:10

23.Piercing:1 Color: x:74 y:0 s:0

24.Facial Hair/other:18 Color: x:76 y:6 s:62 a:84


This Section Is for the lower leg tassels. (see Pics for refrence)

*Note* These are to be placed below their upper counter part to give the long effect.

26.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

26.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

27.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

28.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

29.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

30.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

31.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

32.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

33.Tops/logos/design:95 Size:4th Horizontal 1st vertical Color: x:-18 y:-100 s:-100 a:100

This Section is for the sumo belt. (see Pics for refrence)

34.Tops/logos/design:103 Rotate:Once Size:2nd Horizontal 4th vertical Color: x:-18 y:0 s:-31 a:100

35.Tops/logos/design:103 Rotate:Once Size:2nd Horizontal 4th vertical Color: x:-18 y:0 s:-31 a:100

36.Tops/logos/design:103 Rotate:Once Size:2nd Horizontal 4th vertical Color: x:-18 y:0 s:-31 a:100

37.Tops/logos/design:103 Rotate:Once Size:2nd Horizontal 4th vertical Color: x:-18 y:0 s:-31 a:100

38.Tops/logos/design:103 Rotate:Once Size:2nd Horizontal 4th vertical Color: x:-18 y:0 s:-31 a:100

*NOTE* This Is the scar. Place on belly button

39.Tops/logos/design:99 Size:1st Horizontal 2nd vertical Color: x:-18 y:0 s:-31 a:100

40.Headwear/logos/letters/ 1st page "I" Size: 2nd Horizontal 2nd vertical Color: x:76 y:100 s:30 a:100

Place this in the middle of chin.

41. Mens Bottoms:32 Color: x:-13 y:-78 s:-74 (Only for entrance)

This Section Is for the Name on the belt.(see Pics for refrence)

*NOTE* Start with the middle "I" and work from there.

42.Tops/logos/letters/Page 8:R Size: 3rd Horizontal 2nd vertical Color: x:71 y:100 s:37 a:100

43.Tops/logos/letters/Page 8:I Size: 3rd Horizontal 2nd vertical Color: x:71 y:100 s:37 a:100

44.Tops/logos/letters/Page 8:K Size: 3rd Horizontal 2nd vertical Color: x:71 y:100 s:37 a:100

45.Tops/logos/letters/Page 8:I Size: 3rd Horizontal 2nd vertical Color: x:71 y:100 s:37 a:100

46.Tops/logos/letters/Page 8 Size: 3rd Horizontal 2nd vertical Color: x:71 y:100 s:37 a:100

47.Tops/logos/letters/Page 8:H Size: 3rd Horizontal 2nd vertical Color: x:71 y:100 s:37 a:100

48.Tops/logos/letters/Page 8:I Size: 3rd Horizontal 2nd vertical Color: x:71 y:100 s:37 a:100

*NOTE* Start with the middle "I" and work from there.

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