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Hulk Hogan (PS3)

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Template - 1


Hair 43 (Longer version) (x: 100 y: 1 Shade: 14 Scale: 57)


Head 17,-23,12

Forehead -58,-100,13,-27


Eyes: 1 (x: 13 Y: 0, Shade: 0)

Eyebrows: 1 (x: 80 Y: -31, Shade: 55)

Mouth: Lips: 2 (x: 99 Y: 0, Shade: -11)

Skin: Skin Tone 1 (x: 90 y: 11 Shade: -14 Spec: 26)

Skin Ageing: 60

Morphing:Eyebrows (-93,51,100,17)

Eyes (-15,66,-16,-16,-32,-79,-17)

Nose (3,2,-5,0,0,55,0,0)

Cheeks (17,-24,55,-13)

Mouth (-5,-63,47,-57,0,0,46)

Jaw (12,88,38,33,7,-10)

Ears (0,0,0,0)

Marks/Scars: 16 (x: 90 y: 4 Shade: -7 Alpha: 60)

Tattoos - Symbols - Design: 96 (x: -18 y: 0 Shade: 0 Alpha: 100) (Use one on each side of nose, smallest width, largest height)

(Facial Hair)

Mustache: 13 (x: 78 y: -13 Shade: 54 Alpha: 100)

The following desings are used to cover up certain parts of the mustache. Refer to face pic to see where they go.

Tattoos - Symbols - Design: 97 (x: 82 y: -25 Shade: 15 Alpha: 100) (Use one on each side of mustache to cover up sides)

Tattoos - Symbols - Design: 98 (x: 82 y: -25 Shade: 15 Alpha: 100) (Use one on each side of mustache to cover up sides)

Tattoos - Symbols - Design: 100 (x: 91 y: -55 Shade: 10 Alpha: 100) (Use one on each side of mustache to cover up the top of the sides)

Tattoos - Symbols - Design: 103 (x: 82 y: -25 Shade: 15 Alpha: 100) (Use one on each side of mustache to cover up the bottom of the sides)


Height: 6'7

Body Type: 0

Body Morphing: Neck (0,8,47)

Chest (0,41,48)

Shoulders (-92,27,-8)

Abdomen (-1,33,30)

Waist (9,32)

Arms (0,-9,19)

Hands (0,0,0)

Legs (-13,10,44)

Feet (0,0,0)

Definition: 6


(Ring Attire)

Upper Body

Arms/Wrists: (Both) 15 (White)

Lower Body

Underwear: 4 (longer pair) (x: 74 y: -21 Shade: 30)

Kneepads: Both Knees: 5 (x: -100 y: -17 Shade: -25 Alpha: 100)

Footwear: Boots/Shoes: 2 (Longer) (x: 74 y: -21 Shade: 30)

(Entrance Attire)

Upper Body:

Tops: 11 (Tucked Style) (x: 74 y: -21 Shade: 30 Alpha: 100)

Logos: WWE: 90 (x: 100 y: 0 Shade: 0 Alpha: 100) (Place on chest, refer to pic)

Tattoos - Symbols - Design: 97 (x: 89 y: -39 Shade: 20 Alpha: 100) (Use three on back of shirt, refer to pic)

Hats: 21 (Longer style) Pattern 37 (x: 88 y: 67 Shade: 45)

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