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Bob 'Hardcore' Holly CAW W/Pics

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Bob 'Hardcore' Holly

by Ceilican



==========EDIT PARTS==========

-----BODY PARTS-----

SKIN 1, Colour Default

FACE - Skin 18, Face Model 3, Figure (27/-6), Shape (0/0), Age (-100)

Head (-5/84)

Eyebrow (46/7)

Eyes (-22/3)(-9/0)

Nose (-27/3)(-66/-19)

Cheek (-70)

Mouth (0/-27)(-14)

Jaw (100/50)(8)

HAIR 17 (-81/79)(5)

EYEBROWS 54 (-81/-20)(-9)

EYES 21 (13/9)(-20)


HEAD - PAINT 16 (-90/11)(9)(-80)

HEAD - MAKE-UP 51 (-89/40)(0)(-84)


LOWER - SOCKS 1, Design 1 (-90/-57)(-59)(-100)(33)

LOWER - SHOES 1, Design 1, Colouring 1 (Doesn't Matter what colour you make them, but set the length to 31)

*Now EDIT those shoes to the following settings*

LOWER - SHOES 13, Design 1, Colouring 1 (12/14)(-100)

*Notice how the new shoes are affected by the fact that they are replacing the old shoes instead of having been placed there originally - their length is much shorter than it normally would be. I imagine this trick/glitch would work for other designs of shoes in the same way*

LOWER - SHOES 22, Design 1, Colouring 6 (12/1)(-100)

LOWER - KNEE PADS 7, Design 1, Colouring 1 (13/-74)(-100)(100)

LOWER - KNEE PADS 5, Design 1, Colouring 1 (12/-85)(-100)(50)

LOWER - UNDERWEAR 15, Design 1, Colouring 1 (12/-81)(-100)

LOWER - TIGHTS 2, Design 1 (-90/-72)(-64)(-52)(98)

LOWER - TIGHTS 2, Design 284 (-24/-22)(-6)(100)(100)

UPPER - WRIST BAND 1, Design 1 (-91/-16)(-60)(-100)(97)

UPPER - WRIST BAND 1, Design 1 (11/28)(-100)(100)(100)

UPPER - ELBOW PAD 3, Design 1, Colouring 1 *left only* (12/-82)(-100)(100)


SIMPLE - Body - 149 *rotate once, place over the top-middle of his trunks at the front, where there is a visible white line where the tights overlap the underwear* (19/-32)(-100)(60)

*Now we have to cover over the top of the 'mushroom' pattern intended to be Holly's logo. The guide pics for the placement of these patterns can be found at www.ceilican.co.uk/images/caws/hardcoreguide.jpg*

SIMPLE - Body - 148 *rotate once, resize three times, place over the front of the 'mushroom' pattern on his right leg* (25/33)(-24)(100)

COPY the previous piece *rotate once, place over the back of the 'mushroom' pattern on his right leg* (23/29)(-23)(100)

SIMPLE - Body - 147 *resize three times, place over the middle of the 'mushroom' pattern on his right leg* (28/40)(-28)(100)

SIMPLE - Body - 148 *rotate once, resize three times, place over the front of the 'mushroom' pattern on his left leg* (25/33)(-24)(100)

COPY the previous piece *rotate once, place over the back of the 'mushroom' pattern on his left leg* (23/29)(-23)(100)

SIMPLE - Body - 147 *resize three times, place over the middle of the 'mushroom' pattern on his left leg* (28/40)(-28)(100)

*Now to add out own smaller version of the Hardcore Holly logo to each leg. This is my earliest attempt at making a Hardcore Holly logo, so there might be improvements to this part of the CAW in future*

WWE - Body - 30 *resize three times, place on the side of his right leg* (-11/-60)(-100)(100)

COPY the above piece three times. Move the first copy down by two pixels. Move the second copy up and left by one pixel. Move the third copy up and right by one pixel. Colour all copies (-11/20)(-100)(100).

WWE - Body - 30 *resize three times, place on the side of his left leg* (-11/-60)(-100)(100)

COPY the above piece three times. Move the first copy down by two pixels. Move the second copy up and left by one pixel. Move the third copy up and right by one pixel. Colour all copies (-11/20)(-100)(100).



HEAD (6/2)(24)

NECK (63/87)(-100)

CHEST (49/-17)(5)

SHOULDER (-67/62)(8)

ABDOMEN (34/-2)(-6)

ARMS (28/34)(-42)


HANDS (24/-13)(-40)

WAIST (6/-7)

THIGH (15/23)

LEGS (9/-4)(13)

FEET (-7/-9)(-43)


6'4" (near the top)


Name - Hardcore Holly

Ringname - BLANK (alternatively name him 'Bob Holly' with 'Hardcore' as his Ringname)

Nickname - Bob

Biography - Male, Heavyweight, Slightly Face

Signboard - Your Choice


Strength 5.5 (Season Target 7)

Submission 1 (Season Target 5)

Endurance 6 (Season Target 7.5)

Technique 4 (Season Target 5.5)

Speed 4 (Season Target 6)


Logic1 - Brawler

Logic2 - Grappler

Move - Aggressive

Irish Whip - Less Often

Attack The Ref - Not Usally

Weapons - Likes It Very Much

Diving - Less Often

Taunts - Less Often



ENTRANCE - MOVIE Steven Richards, MOVES Chris Benoit, MUSIC Steven Richards


Supa Fly, Where'd you find Ceilican and Banghara Man's (SP?) CAW's? Their my favorite designers of all time. They both kick ass. Thanks man...


Yeah that is a nice CAW...And in response to HB's I think this is Ceilin's CAW's here.


Thanks FA, I already knew that. But the thing that sucks is him and Banghara man (SP?) havent updated their sites with new CAW's. They've just been found in different places. Which I really hope they start updating their sites soon. They are awesome but thanks anyway for the site FA.

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