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Kenny Dykstra (ps3) CAW w/pics

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Kenny Dykstra (ps3)

Credit: Simply Priceless




head morphing; 47,33,0

eyebrows; -100,33,54,23

eyes; 8,-28,-35,-13,33,24,-8

nose; -8,-61,0,32,12,15,0,-81

cheeks; -21, -56, 0 ,0

mouth; 23,-6,-4,1,0,0,-42

jaw; -12,23,2,-39,-45,-16

ears; default

Hair: 68/71 default colour

sideburns; 9/17; 75,0,29,37

goatee 9/14;75,0,29,37

skin tone 12/12

face paint 67/89;85,29,34,9

eyebrows 20/38; 79,0,11


Design 8/149, smalles vertical, biggest horizontel (side) place on right upper bicep make -100,-100,-66,11

Design 8,149, repeat above but place next to it complete the tattoo it should go across his right upper bicep make -100,-100,-66,11


underwear 3/23 default

knee pads 5/16 make white

wrestling tights 1/18 -100 -100 85 100 1

head wear (other) 21/36 -100 -100 58

arms/wrist 15/20 (left only) -100 -100 35

boots/shoes 2/37 (smallest) -100 -100 26

hands 6/16 (right only) -13 -100 0 100

Attire Design:

use torso design 100/149 and make second smallest (long ways) and second fatest vertically place it near the front of his trunks make it black

design 99/149 make second smallest (long ways) and second fatest vertically rotate this design do it is on its side join to first design and make it black

repeate torso design 100/141 but place near his butt join to design 99/141 make this black also

use design

use another design 99/149 make it as long as you can (long ways) and second fatest vertically join this up with the design near his butt

do the same as above but this time make it join up with the first design and make sure it blends in with the desgin above

make all of them black and join them all up

use alphabet 1/17 and spell KD make as small as you can vertically and second smallest side ways make it -100 -100, 0 100

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