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Sorry im new And SVR 2008 question

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How do u make layers more than 32 cuz i really wanna make chris jericho codebreaker attire


PS2 and PS3 only have 32 layers. Xbox 360 on the contrary has 64 layers. Wait until SvR 2009 as both PS3 and Xbox 360 version of the game will feature 64 layers. U simply cannot change the number of layers in the system. However, u can edit useless layers on the PS2 versions using Gameshark (e.g. eyelash and underwear). Other than that, if u have anymore questions, just PM me. Besides that......this topic is CLOSED son. Ur more than welcome to search for the selection of Codebreaker sttires I have posted. In fact, here's a new one. Enjoy and welcome to ST! sir. ;) From now on, please use the "Request Topic" situated above the forum page. Thank you.

Chris Jericho

By Unknown and Credit to Kung Fu



Start with Face Template 4

-Head Morphings-

Head: -20, 5, -20

Forehead: 0, 0, 0, -20

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: -60, 0, 40, -60

Eyes: -22, 23, 62, -47, -40, -67, -10

Nose: 100, -20, 100, 37, -30, -25, -20, 40

Cheek: 0, -81, -25, 48

Mouth: 100, -37, -40, 100, -66, 5, -100

Jaw: 16, -60, 68, 0, 74, 81

Ears: 0, -20, 0, 47

-Body Morphings-

Body Type: 70

Neck: -31, -20, -9

Chest: -18, -29, -2

Shoulder: -18, 3, -48

Abdomen: -11, -51, -53

Waist: -100, -20

Arms: 0, -64, -76

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: 0, -100, -100

Feet: 70, 43, -100

Body Type : 70

Body Height: 6'0''

01. Definition: 5

02. Face Skin Tone 9: 89, 0, 0, 0

03. Eye Type 5: -5, -20, -20

04. Eyebrows 37: 85, -10, 25

05. Eyelashes 1: 70, -30, 20

06. Lips 15: 95, 0, -4

07. Teeth 1: 87, 0, 10

08. Hair 1: 76, -5, 25

Face> Skin> Skin Aging: 15

9. 2/31: default

10. Arms/Wrist 1/20: -13, -23, -100, 100, 5

11. Wresling Tights 1/17: (pattern 17) -100, -100, -66, 100

12. Wrestling Tights 15/17: (pattern 51) -100, -100, -3, 65, 34

13. Designs 103/141: (both largest) black-----help pics

14. Designs 103/141: (both largest) black-----help pics

15. Designs 103/141: (both largest) black-----help pics

16. Designs 103/141: (both largest) black-----help pics

17. Tights Designs 56/159: -18, 0, -100, 100

18. Knee Pads 5/15: -13, -100, -80, 100

19. Face Paint 83/118: 89, -30, 5, 100

20. Templates 16/26: 79, -10, 14, 100

21. Face Paint 56/118: 88, 40, 5, 10

22. Boots 30/33: black for both colors

23. Designs 103: (rotate once)(2nd largest V and smallest H) black-----help pics

24. Designs 103: (rotate once)(smallest V and 3rd largest H) black-----help pics

25. Designs 103: (rotate once)(3rd largest V and 2nd largest H) black-----help pics

26. Designs 103: (rotate once)(smallest V and 3rd largest H) black-----help pics

27-28. Numeral Page 1>2nd #2 on page: (smallest V and 2nd largest H) -12, 30, 100, 100-----help pics

29. Designs 103: (both largest) 88, -60, 35, 60

30. Makeup 14: 90, -40, -50, 60

31. Facial Features 2: 88, -30, 6, 100

32. Marks 3: 89, -40, -5, 100

and use this: http://smacktalks.org/forums/index.php?sho...l=Chris+Jericho (Don't bump the topic.)

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