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SvR 2009 Countdown 17: Kane

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SIGNATURE MOVES: Sidewalk Slam 4, Oklahoma Slam 1

FINISHERS: Chokeslam 6, Tombstone Piledriver 3

ABILITIES: K.O., Lock Pick, Hammer Throw, Durability, Object, Kip-Up

At 7-feet tall and more than 300 pounds, the Big Red Monster has been tormenting opponents since his debut, and even that was huge.

Following months of speculation, Kane made his first appearance on Oct. 5, 1997, at Bad Blood. There, he ripped the cage door off during the first-ever Hell in a Cell Match between Shawn Michaels and Undertaker. Kane and Undertaker then stood toe to toe during a chilling stare-down. The Big Red Monster wore a mask, and he hid his body in attire designed to conceal hideous burns from a fire supposedly started by his half-brother Undertaker. Then, Kane kicked the Deadman in the stomach and Tombstoned him - allowing a bloody Michaels to pin Undertaker for the victory.

http://videomedia.ign.com/ev/ev.swf' flashvars='object_ID=14242649&downloadURL=http://ps3movies.ign.com/ps3/video/article/911/911462/svr_kane_092308_flvlowwide.flv&allownetworking="all"' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='433' height='360' >

Despite the unprovoked attack, Undertaker vowed he would not wage war against his own flesh and blood in front of a national audience. But Kane's assaults continued, and when he set Undertaker ablaze inside a casket at the 1998 Royal Rumble, the Phenom was left with no choice. At WrestleMania XIV, the half-brothers met for the first time in singles competition, but it was only the beginning.

Now that he is back on Monday Night Raw, the Big Red Monster is intent on showing the entire WWE Universe that he is an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

Source: WWE.com








It's about time they updated the chokeslam, but why does he have the theme he hasn't used since 2002.



GamingRing today released an edited part of their Podcast from last week in which Bryan Williams confirms that Kane will have a new Chokeslam from Hell. Apparently they were unable to air it last week as Kane had not yet featured on the IGN Superstar Countdown.

You can hear the Kane section of the Podcast below.


At last a new chokeslam, good to see Kanes overall is highier this year to. Is Kane taller aswell or is it just the camera angle.


Think it's just the camera angle if your talking about the one where he's standing over the Greg CAW.


Nah i mean in the video looks much taller than last year


That new chokeslam looks excellent.

@ Crossfan - I'm guessing that they didn't have the new remix of his "Out of the Fire" theme and decided to use "Out of the Fire" itself. Either way, it's a lot better than having to deal with his "Slow Chemical" theme.


It wasnt even that bad. Anyways im going to modify the chokeslam if i can with caf.

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