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Backstage Area Video - Locker Room

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IGN released a new video showing off the Locker Room in a backstage brawl which can be seen above, i've also compiled a list of the available weapons, weapon moves and the interactive elements in the locker room which you can see below.

There is however no mention if this will be the only backstage area and there is nothing in the video to show ways of moving to seperate areas.

Backstage Brawl: Locker Room

Weapons Available: Weights, Kendo Stick, Guitar, Steel Chair

Interactive Elements:


- Whip your opponent into the TV and you can bang their head against it.


- When you whip your opponent into the lockers a steel chair will fall down.


- Whip your opponent into the plant.


- Whip your opponent into the whiteboard and pens will fall out.

- Whip your opponent into the whiteboard a second time and the whiteboard will slant.

- Drag your opponent to the whiteboard whilst in a grapple and you can ram your opponents head against it, followed by a clothesline (Note: The animation of ramming your opponent against the board and the clothesline looks really bad, as HBK's hand is no where near Jericho. It looks like the clip of Steiner throwing Christian into the ring apron without even touching him).

Weapon Moves:


- Hit your opponent in the stomach, then across the back of their head when they fall to their knees.

Kendo Stick

- Hit your opponent in the stomach, looks like a slightly new animation.

Steel Chair- Chair to throat.

- Throw chair to opponent, followed by a punch.

- Van-Daminator


that looks insane,but their is something about the punches and kicks I don't like,and it's been bothering me since 06'.

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