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TNA iMPACT 4 Player Ultimate X Confirmed, PS3 Controls, Etc.

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At 2:58 secs seconds that Chinese looking dude (not being racist) says "You can image how crazy this will get with three or four players." This might confirm it as in regards to the game in my opinion. But, Midway nor Gtv have released footage of three or more players in Ultimate X. Post what u think.

Irish Whip = L1+Triangle , LB+Y

On Turnbuckle to jump on the ropes = L1+Circle , LB+B

Grab the X = Circle , B

How to win Ultimate X - When you get to the center of the x, you will have a short minigame. There will be a meter right above your iMPACT! meter that's exclusive for ultimate X. When you press A directly on the spot you need, the bar increases, when it reaches to end, you will win the match.

So that new bar everyone is seeing is actually an Ultimate X Meter.


Sounds like confirmation to me, why else would they mention it?

Having 4-players would make the game a lot harder and more fun to play imo.


and the black guy is wearing a WWE belt.........

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