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Cena vs. Batista: Breakdown Video

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I've put this together to point out the crowd chants, etc.

You can also see the ECW announce team in the background, but I missed it off the video.

" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

ECW Commentators: Joey Styles & Tazz? (Credit: Sunnyxtremepunk)



Looks good only thing im not sure about is the glass effect but no doubt there will be an option to turn it off.

Seems like Yukes are putting alot more effort it to this years version over last years.


Yeah, not sure 'bout the glass breaking thing either.

But I gotta say, despite all my critics, this doesn't look so bad.

However, that referee is acting like the match is all about him and he's so tough and all, wtf?


lol, I dont like the glass breaking effect either, looks a bit rubbish.


It's even worse than the thing we have now.

You know, when you hit your finisher it repeats like six million times and is then supposed to look worse but it doesn't.

That thing.


I'd prefer just seeing your move once, with split screen replays like on tv and in WWE RAW (if you've turned them on).



I had the same thought aswell.

They are making the game more like the actually show so why not use replays? didnt they have it in one of the previous smackdown games?


Replays would be great, but wouldn't it be boring?

Knowing THQ they will only put one sort of replay in the game, when you do your finisher, causing the whole replay thing to suck.

I mean, with the thing we have now, it also does the same thing with every finisher, no matter what superstar, it repeats three times, goes into slow motion, and adds a sound which is supposed to make it look worse.

I'm a big fan of replays, used properly.


They can get boring, that's why I prefer the double feature, so if you dont want to watch it you can just carry on playing.


Like in 08 where you can turn it off?

Well, that great, but the finishers look like they have no impact.


My favourite replay feature was in No Mercy. Where you watch a replay of the last like 10 seconds of the match once it has finished. It just plays on loop showing a different angle each time.


Well thinking of replays and such imagine if svr had like wwe tv, like project gothem racing. Where it shows some of the best matches that are happening at the moment could have like a cameraman angle from just outside of the ring or from the annoucne table.


I think replays would be cool if they had different ways of falling, and a variety of different collisions were possible for each move.

They'd have to fix clipping to go along with this. Like, let's say I did some kind of catapult move while outside the ring, and the opponents head goes onto the announce table, it would be cool if the would make an impact on the announce table, and that specific spot can be replayed like in Madden. Then it would vary for rather then being only for special moves (which they rarely do replays faor) they woudl have it for all high impact moves where something irregular happens. Then you can set it to happen often, or not as often.


Do you mean like a free camera so you can move around 360 degrees and watch it from any angle? Never played Madden but I'm guessing the replays are similar to Pro Evo.


Yeah, there is that one, but there is also one where right after a play it replays it for you and the commentators lead you through it. It doesn't have to be the game winning play, it would just be one where something happened. Just like what it could be in SvR. They rarely do replays just for finishers in WWE, so why not just for random high impact moves?


I just can't believe the animations are STILL the same. I get the distinct feeling this game will pale in comparison to TNA's.

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