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UK, June 19, 2008 - "As far as AJ Styles goes, he still hates my shotgun." It's not what we were expecting wrestler Samoa Joe to say when we sat down with him at a recent TNA Impact event in London and, bearing in mind his biceps were bigger than our waist, it wasn't something we were particular keen to push further.

Thankfully, Samoa Joe hasn't embarked on some serious pro-wrestling rule breaking - he's talking about TNA in-house COD4 tournaments. These guys are hardcore and, boy, do they know their games. Gathered for this UK showing of TNA iMPACT!, Total Non-stop Action stars Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Petey Williams took the opportunity to flex their gaming knowledge alongside their improbably large muscles. Discussing Japanese illegal import gaming and Rock Band, us journos were suitably impressed to learn that Midway hadn't simply rolled out another bunch of famous but clueless faces.


Still, iMPACT! was the main focus of the day and, with the game set for release this September, we made the most of the chance to settle down with the near-final code on display. First up, we grappled controllers with fellow reporters for some Ultimate X action. Your goal is to grab the belt or X suspended above the ring

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