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Downlaodable Wrestlers Confirmed

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Great, Midway really seem to be going all out for there first attempt.

Downloadable content is something fans have been wanting THQ to add for the last few years but they haven't, even though other games have offered it since the original xbox.

If games like the first Splinter Cell could offer gamers new levels, etc. back in 2002, surely THQ could have at least offered something over the past 6 years.

I wonder what the DLC will be, arenas, wrestlers, moves?


Well first guess would be having guys like James Storm and Matt Morgan and Curry Man to download, other than wreslters my guess would be caw parts and arenas.

Anouther thing though seeing as it looks like the game is going to be kept up to date, any bugs the game has should be sorted through updates.

Ive thought though they might offer downloadable videos from Impact and PPV promos.


Bug fixing is a huge plus, I'm also hoping for new match types like the Terror Dome that probably missed the cut off date.


I hope they add 6 sides of steel as i dont think that is in the main game could be wrong though.


I watched some vids today and ultimate x looks fantastic. I'm looking forward to it now.


If the season mode has the Lockdown ppv it should be included, as all Lockdown matches are 6-Sides of Steel.


You got a point though i would of thought they would of shown something of the six sides of steel.

Hoping they show alot of the stuff at E3

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