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Raven (WCW Look) W/Pics

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Credit: Dagoat

If something is skipped leave as default

Skin: 1 / Color1 / Color -92, 9 / Shade -6

Face 18 / 19 / Figure: age -100 /


Head X: -33 Y: 38

Eyebrow X: -14 Y: -18

Eyes X: -7 Y: 29 / X: 9 Y: -57

Nose X: -42 Y: -10 / X: -2 Y: 28

Check X: 12

Mouth X: 9 Y: 0 / Y: 12

Jaw X: 1 Y: 34 / Y: 17

Eyes: 33 / Color X: 44 Y: 9

Eyebrow: 19 / Color X: -71 Y: 9

Lips 1 / Color X: -49 Y: 9

Hair 2 / Color X: -96 Y: 0 / Shade -34 / Length 72

Underwear: 1, 1 Default

Facial Hair 85 / Color X: -89 Y: -25 / Shade -64 / Trans. -27

Make-up 58 / Color X: -89 Y: 40 / Shade -11 / Trans. 100

Left arm Design Simple 36 turn 2x/ Reduce to second smallest / Color X: 23 Y: -40 / Shade 0 / Trans. 100 Move to middle of arm you may have to adjust it later after you put on wristband and elbow pads

Left arm Design picture 67 Reduce to smallest /Color X: 0 Y: -50 / Shade -100 / Trans. 100 Move to top part of arm on the side

Right arm Design Simple 26 Reduce to second smallest / Color X: -79 Y: 20 / Shade 0 / Trans. 38 Move to forearm you may have to adjust it later after you put on wristband and elbow pads

Right arm Design Tattoo 34 Reduce to second smallest /Color X: 16 Y: -50 / Shade 0 / Trans. -20 Move to top part of arm on the side

Long Hemline 1,1,1/ Color X: -3 Y: -100 / Shade -100 / Trans. 100 / Length 76

Elbow Pads 2,1 / Color X: 12 Y: -100 / Shade 0 / Trans. 100

Wrisbands 1,1/ Color X: 1 Y: 100 / Shade -100 / Trans. 100 / Length 81 (now edit simples you just made and move them so there in between the wristband and elbow pad (side of arm)

Knee Pads 14,1 / Color X: -12 Y: -100 / Shade 0 / Trans. 100

Socks 1,1/ Color X: 12 Y: 98 / Shade -100 / Trans. 100 / Length. 35

Shoes 1,1,6 / Color X: 12 Y: -80 / Shade 0 / Length. 50

Lower Body Accerories 17 / Color X: -100 Y: -96 / Shade -34 / Length. 100

Gloves 9,1 / Color X: 12 Y: 100 / Shade -100 /

Short Pants 4,1,1 / Color X: 12 Y: 9 / Shade 0

Upperbody Accessories 15 / Color X: -24 Y: -45 / Shade -100 / Trans. 100

Design/ Head / Alphabet 1 of 16/ use the period Color X: -54 Y: 13/ Shade -100 / Trans. 100 move to place one on right face over where eyebrow ends and place one below. (hair cover it so you really dont need it)

Design/ Left Leg / WWE 11/ Turn 4x / Reduce to second smallest Color X: -30 Y: 14/ Shade 0 / Trans. -6 Place between shoes and kneepads on the side

Design/ Body / WWE 19 / Turn 2x / Reduce to Largest /Color X: 77 Y: 9/ Shade 0 / Trans.100

Design/ Face / Simple 29 / /Color X: -2 Y: 33/ Shade 0 / Trans.100 place on side of neck

Jacket 9,1,6 / Color X: 12 Y: -60/ Shade -74 (setup for entrance only)


Height 6

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