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"Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

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Name: Scott Steiner

HUD Name:Steiner

Nickname: Big Poppa Pump

Nickname Placement:Prefix

Announcer Introduction:ur choice

Hometown:Detroit, Michigan

Weightclass: 280lbs. Heavyweight

Match Tactic: bad

Show: Raw (ur choice)

Voice: 1

Match Speciality: Submission

Signs: ur choice



[Face Parts]

Hair: 17/73 78, -29, 70

Eyes: 1/9 88, 25, 1

Eyebrows: 3/38 87, -100, -11

Lips: 1/16 100, 0, 0

Skin Tone:8/12 88, 2, -6, 41



[Head Morphing]

Head:-11, 42, 25

Forehead: 11, -47, -25, 41

[Face Morphing]

Eyebrows: -12, 75, 49, -56

Eyes: 20, -61, -37, 14, 64, 100, 10

Nose: 50, -76, 39, 3, 16, -91, -14, 73

Cheeks: 9, 0, 41, 0

Mouth:100, -25, -72, 29, -100, -13, -100

Jaw: 72, -7, 71, 31, 100, 67

Ears:-28, 62, 19, 7

Skin Aging:23


Body Type:-36

Height: 6'1"

Body Morphing:

Neck:-60,51, 100

Chest:-45, 18, 22

Shoulder:-100, 60, 40

Abdomen:24, 21, 62

Waist:28, 51

Arms:-100, 80, 50

Hands:-16, -5, -4

Legs:-3, -1, 54

Feet:-30, 0, 0



Template 13/26 74, -31, 66, 100

Goatee 13/14 88, -100, -100, 100

Design 114/141 smallest horz. 3rd largest vert. place center of chin -99, -100, -100, 80

Underwear 1/31 default

Tights 16/17 -13, -100, -66, 100

**Cross/Heart design on left leg**

Wrestling Tights Designs (only left) 9/159 -18, -100, 55, 100

Tights designs (only left) 93/141 place in center of cross smallest vert. 2nd smallest horz. 99, 55, 19, 100

Kneepads 3/15 -13, -100, -66, 100

Elbows (both) 2/10 default black

Glasses (entrance only) 4/33 -33, 0, 0

Hats (entrance only) 20/21 100, -100, 100

Boots/shoes 1/33 default black

Tights design Right leg:

**all default white**

Design 106/141

repeat last layer for thickness

138/141 rotate once

138/141 rotate three times

Alphabet 1st page "U" rotate twice

**see help pic for placement**

**Freakzilla on rearend**

WWE logo (back) 32/47 rotate twice just below beltline above butt. 100, 0, 0, 100

**Chest Tattoo**

37/141 smallest horiz. lrgst vert. center of pecs. -18, -100, -9, 100

55/141 rotate twice smallest vert. 3rd horiz. -18, -100, -9, 100

93/141 place in center of cross smallest vert 2nd smallest horz. -100, -25, 0, 72

Voice: 1

Match: Submission (Steiner Recliner)

Fight Style 1: Powerhouse

Fight Style 2: Technical

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