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New IGN Preview - More Ultimate X Footage

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*calls Gamespot and preorders game*


Omg this game keeps looking better and better cant believe how good the graphics are just look at Sting



Woah!, the quality on Sting is unbelieveable!

After watching the Ultimate X match in action i'm really impressed with the climbing, moves to people on the ropes and the way the turnbuckle moves connect with them. Surely THQ are looking at this and realising how much of a contender for the best wrestling game this year, this will be.

The one worrying thing I noticed was in the "winnah" video, how easy it was once Styles got to the X. It was as if he just had to time the button press right and he got it. Hopefully there'll be some kind of gauge to run down before you get the button press option.


Yeah i think you have to work at it to get it down. On one of the other videos it should AJ with a gauge.

Heres a pic of it.



...I'm, I'm just speechless... The amount of effort exerted is unparalleled to the likes of SvR. For their starter game, they r briniging this. Give it a few more years and whoa!



Posted (edited)

Looks awesome

Edited by System of a Daan

i really am looking forward to this game, and its delay for september is putting it pretty close to svr09, assuming it will come out in november like always/i hope thq will notice these videos and screenshots and at least try to do better (doubt it)

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