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Smackdown vs raw 2009 debut trailer

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I wonder if they'll actually add in people like London and Kendrick this time, as the tag division is dead at the moment.

The trailer looks good tho, although i'm waiting to see the in game action before I give my opinions on it.


This is definetely not gameplay as it is enhanced. They can never be this good. The only thing differen about this game in my perdpective is the addition of one more year the title is SvR 2009, and the cover is gonna be designed differently with the addition of a few more poeple. That's all!


Stop being such a negative nancy how the fuck do you know they will do horribly and diliver the same product?


Look at the past few smackdown games for proof?


Last years was cooler, trailer wise I'd say.


Stop being such a negative nancy how the fuck do you know they will do horribly and diliver the same product?

Dude, every year we get the same shit. Everybody has their hopes up and in the end they all get down. They just add in one new match type and that's all. Look what they did with '08. Can u even play 24/7 with enjoyment. It's the same cutscene over and over and over again. Y don't I just play SD! Know Your Role or Just Bring It? It'll be the same shit with 2 yr old graphics. I don't think this will be a success unless they just change their aspect and re-fabricate the whole game. Just make a fresh start with new gameplay, new crowd interaction. Ditch the crowd scaffold, etc. and exert a new feeling. I'm not being negative, I'm just pointing out the truth. Let's see where they take this one.

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