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*Massive Create A Wrestler Animation Formulas!*

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WWE Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain(PS2)

Create An Animation FAQ

By: Darkness King (Eternal_LionHeart@hotmail.com)

Version: 1.0

Last Updated: Nov 11, 2003

Latest Revisions of this guide may always be located at:


NOTE: Guide will be update as soon i as have new 'animation'

(That include Taunts, Stance, Walking.. etc)



Table of Contents



I. Introduction

II. FAQ (MUST READ) and Notes

III. Create A Wrestler Animation

- 4 Horsemen - the symbol of 4 Horsemen (taunt)

- AJ Styles - "Styles Clash" (taunt)

- Bret Hart - Shoulder movement (taunt)

- Gail Kim - Entrance pose as taunt (taunt)

- Goldberg - Spit Gum & Signal for JackHammer (taunt)

- Jeff Hardy - Winnin Pose (winning)

- John Cena - Shake Shoulder "O... Kay" (taunt)

- Word Life (pinky) from SD Entrance (taunt)

- Lance Storm - "Cabbage Patch" Dance (taunt)

- "Cabbage Patch" Dance Part 2 (taunt)

- Low Ki - 'Hulk Smash' (taunt)

- Mr Ass - Ass Dance [2 of them] (taunt)

- Raven - Fate (taunt)

- S.H.I.T Rosey - "super hero pose" taunt

- Shane McMahon - 'Feeling it' Chest pound then point [2 of them] (taunt)

- Sharkboy - Fin pose (taunt)

- Shawn Michaels - Dance and DX Chop (taunt)

- Ultimo Dragon - Signal for Finisher [2 of them] (taunt)

- Zach Gowen - 'I am ready' taunt (taunt)

- 'I am the man!' entrance taunt (taunt)

IV. Video Games Animation

- Super Mario - Mario - Peace (winning)

- Mario - Spinning Attack (taunt + attack)

V. Credit and Thanx

VI. Legal Information

Version 1.0 (Nov 06, 2003): Started this guide



I. Introduction



Hi! I am back, i will cut the introdution short, lol

I am just a guy who do CAA for people, if u hv request, request them at the HCTP board,

or send me a e-maiL~



II. FAQ and Note



IF You cannot find a taunt u want here, and i keep referring u to check on the

Shut your Mouth - CAA Taunt, just go here http://www.geocities.com/rikkuxtreme/Sym_Caa.txt .

For all of these taunt you see in here, it is probably better for you to follow the order

when making it

Just for those who are too lazy to read the FAQ:



Even tho i said it is the same system, i recreated some of the CAA, lol


Note - When i say "Expand to end", it usually means the very end, even including parts

without base~



III. Wrestlers Animation




- 4 Horsemen - the symbol of 4 Horsemen (taaunt)



1. Fighting > Normal

2. Fighting > Relaxed


1st Base:

- Face - Shouting

- R Arm - I am the man

- expand it to the end of 2nd base

- R Hand - 3 fingers

- expand it to the end of 2nd base

- L Arm - Left hand on hip

- expand it to the end of 2nd base

2nd Base:

- Face - Mad

the rest are 'expanded' from 1st base


- AJ Styles - "Styles Clash" (taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Fighting > Relaxed

2. Fighting > Relaxed


Base 1:

- Head - Reluctant OR Mad OR Angry

- Neck - 'Back and Forth' or 'Up and Down' (dunno which one)

Base 2:

- Head - Shouting

- Body - Model Pose


- Bret Hart - Shoulder movement (taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Walking > Normal

2. Walking > Normal


1. Fighting > Relaxed

2. Fighting > Relaxed

(OR a mix if u want)


Base 1:

- Face - Whatever you want

- Neck - Forward

- Body - What Gives?, (use LEAN Back to oveer-write the 'What Gives?' body part)

- R Arm - Right Why Me?

- L Arm - Left Why Me?

Base 2:

- Face - Shouting

- R Arm - from Base 1

- L Arm - from Base 1

OPTIONAL: Expand both 'Why Me?' to the end

(sorry if this doesn't look good, i ain't that familiar with Bret)


- Gail Kim - Entrance pose as taunt (taunt))


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Other > I am Listening (Reverse)

2. Other > I am Listening


Base 1:

- Neck - Head tilted back to left

- Body - Fast lean forward

- expand to end of 2nd base

- R Arm - Right Hand on hip

- expand to end of 2nd base

- L Arm - Left Hair Hip (Leave the length aas it)

- L Hand - Open Hand

- Expand it to da same length as L Arm

Base 2:

- Neck - Back and Forth

*OVER Write Neck base 2 with 'Head tilted back to right' and MOVE 2 or 3 right*

(it should be Yellow, lil Green and Yellow)


- Goldberg - Spit Gum & Signal for JackHammmer (taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Fighting > Relaxed

2. Fighting > Relaxed

3. Fighting > Relaxed


Base 1:

- Face - Mad or Angry

- Neck - Head tilted Front to left

- R Arm - Right Hand on Hip

Base 2:

- Face - Mad or Angry or Unhappy

- R Arm - Up

- move 4 times to right, expand to end of base 3

- R hand - 1 finger

- move 4 times to right, expand to end of base 3

- L hand - close hand

Base 3:

- Face - Shouting

- Neck - Fast sideway left


- Jeff Hardy - Winnin Pose (Winning)


BELIEVE ME... this took me AGES~~

What it is SUPPOSE to be look likes just incase i hv typo:

he does his hand reach thing, then dose a hardy sign~

CREDIT: Darkness King

Base: Rocky

- Neck - 'Up and down'

- Move 24 to right

- 'Up and down'

- Move 50 to right

- R Arm - 'Big Stretch'

- Move 15 right

- Expand to the very end

- 'Right Small Shrug'

- Move 11 to Right

- Expand 16 right

- 'I am the man'

- Move 46 to right

- Expand 6 times to right

- R Hand - 'Open hand'

- Move 15 to right

- Expand to the very end

- '3 fingers again'

- Move 46 to right

- Expand 6 times to right

- L Arm - 'Big Stretch'

- Move 15 to left

- Expand to the very end

- 'Left Small Shrug'

- Move 11 to Right

- Expand 16 right

- 'I am the man'

- Move 46 to right

- Expand 6 times to right

- L Hand - 'Open hand'

- Move 15 to right

- Expand to the very end

- '3 fingers again'

- Move 46 to right

- Expand 6 times to right


- John Cena - Shoulder Shake "O...Kay" (tauunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King

Bases: Other > Fragile


- Body - You got to be kidding me

- 'Expand' 5 times to left

- Neck - Forward

- Expand 10 to right

- R Arm - Right Small Shrug

- Expand 10 to right

- L Arm - Left Small Shrug

- Expand 10 to right

*You should still have just about enough space for this*

- Body - The bird

- R Hand - Open Hand

- L Hand - Open Hand


- John Cena - Word Life (pinky) from SD Enttrance (taunt)


Credit: Darkness King


1. Fighting > Normal


Walking > Normal


Dancing > Cat Walk


- Face - Unhappy

- R Arm - Up

- R Hand - Pinky

- L Arm - Up

- L Hand - Pinky


- Lance Storm - "Cabbage Patch" Dance (taunnt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Other > Stepping In

2. Other > Stepping In


1. Dancing > Hula

2. Dancing > Hula (Reverse)


- Face - Happy OR Smashed

- Expand to end of 2nd base

- Body - Upper Body Shuffle

- R Arm - Reverse Hand Circle

- Expand to end of 2nd base

- R Hand - Close hand

- Expand to end of 2nd Base

- L Arm - Hand Circle

- Expand to end of 2nd base

- L Hand - Close hand

- Expand to end of 2nd Base


- Lance Storm - "Cabbage Patch" Dance Part 2 (taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Jumping > Bounce

2. Jumping > Bounce

3. Fighting > Normal

4. Fighting > Normal


Base 1:

- Body - Heart Break Style Right

- 'Expand' it to fit it into 1 base

Base 2:

- Body - Heart Break Style Left

- 'Expand' it to fit it into 1 base

Base 3:

- Body - Heart Break Style Right


- Low Ki - 'Hulk Smash' (taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Other > Slide

2. Other > Slide


Base 1:

- Face - Mad

- Body - Fast Lean Forward

- R Arm - Right Yes! Yes! Yes!

- expand to the VERY VERY end (the space where there is no (base)

- R Hand - Close Hand

- Expand to the very very end

- L Arm - Left Yes! Yes! Yes!

- expand it to the very very end

- L Hand - Close Hand

- Expand it to the very very end

Base 2:

- Neck - Fast Forward


- Mr Ass - Ass Dance [2 of them] (taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Rear > Normal

2. Dancing > Sexy


- Leave Base 1 alone

Base 2:

- Neck - Sideways Right

- R Arm - Right Hand on Hip

- L Arm - Left Hand on Hip

if u want this to be longer, add another base and expand all of it to end of base 3


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Rear > Normal

2. Dancing > Feminine Poses

3. Dancing > Feminine Poses


- Leave Base 1 alone

Base 2:

- Neck - Sideways Right

- Expand to end of base 3

- R Arm - Right Hand on Hip

- Expand to end of base 3

- L Arm - Left Hand on Hip

- Expand to end of base 3


- Raven - Fate(taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Fighting > Relaxed

2. Fighting > Relaxed


- Face - Angry

- expand to end of base 2

- R Arm - Right Extended Arm

- R Hand - Close Hand

- expand to end of base 2

- L Arm - Left Extended Arm

- L Hand - Close Hand

- expand to end of base 2


- S.H.I.T Rosey - "super hero pose" taunt ((taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Fighting > Relaxed


- Neck - Fast Forwad

(USE 'Head Tilited Back to left' to write it , and move it 2 to 3 times to right)

- Body - Hands On Hips


- Shane McMahon - 'Feeling it' Chest pound then point [2 of them] (taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Fighting > Relaxed

2. Walking > Normal OR Fighting > Relaxed


Base 1:

- Face - Indifferent

- Neck - To Both Sides (OPTIONAL)

- R Arm - I am the man

- R Hand - Close Hand

--Base 2:--

- Face - Sideways Left

- R Arm - You move over there


--Base 2:--

- Face - Sideways Right

- R Arm - You go over there


*ADD the 'Money 2' in the mid instead of da begining if u want

CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Dancing > Money 2

2. Fighting > Relaxed

3. Walking > Normal OR Fighting > Relaxed


Base 1:


Base 2:

- Face - Indifferent

- Neck - To Both Sides (OPTIONAL)

- R Arm - I am the man

- R Hand - Close Hand

--Base 3:--

- Face - Sideways Left

- R Arm - You move over there


--Base 3:--

- Face - Sideways Right

- R Arm - You go over there


- Sharkboy - Fin pose (taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Other > Stepping in


- Face, wutever express u want

- Neck - Fast sideways Right

- R Arm - Right Mr Roboto

- 'Expand' to LEFT 2 times


- Shawn Michaels - Dance and DX Chop (tauntt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Dancing > HBK 1


- R Arm - Cross Chop

- Move it at the very end

- L Arm - Cross Chop

- Move it to the very end


- Ultimo Dragon - Signal for Finisher [2 off them] (taunt)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Other > Apology


- R Hand - 2 Fingers Again

- L Hand - 2 Fingers Again


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Fighting > Normal

2. Fighting > Normal


Base 1:

- Body - Clap and Out, Expand to the VERY EEnd

Base 2:

- R Arm - Right Small strug

- move 9 right, expand to end

- R Hand - 2 Fingers Again

- L Arm - Right Small strug

- move 9 right, expand to end

- L Hand - 2 Fingers Again


- Zach Gowen - 'I am ready' taunt (taunt)


Once again, got this from No Mercy

since this is his new set of taunt, i decide to do this the BEST i can..

the following u see, is a 2 to 3 sec taunt he did after he enter the ring..

and since u guys know how lame this caa sytem is (lol), i decided to make it

about the same speed, so the 'wrong' doesn't seems to be wrong..

I post this taunt in a diff way..

CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Jumping > Bounce

2. Jumping > Bounce

3. Jumping > Bounce


1. Go to 'R Arm' and select 'Smack Away', 'Expand' it,

so it only take up HALF of Base 1 (YES! Half of Base 1)

2. Go to 'L Arm' and select 'Smack Away', 'Expand it'

so it take up the 2nd half of base 1

so far, u should be able to get an effect like his hands take turn hitting his chest

----The Following is optinoal:----

U can do that with Base 2 too if u want, so he 'hit' himself 4 times like he does

in real life, but in this CAA system, it looks pretty stupid .. if u decide u

don't want him to hit 4 times, take out 1 of the base, so that there are only 2 bases--- END OPTIONAL

Base 3:

1. Go to 'R Arm' and select 'Up', 'Expand it, so it only take up half of base 1,

then select 'Right Small Shrug', 'expand' it, so it take up the other half

2. Do the same for L Arm'

The whole taunt should be: He hit himself 2 or 4 times (hands take turns),

then he does his hand lift thing like Brock


- Zach Gowen - 'I am the man!' entrance tauunt (taunt)


note: i would seriously consider doing base 3 first if i am u,

since it requre OVER-Lapping.. This is the thing he did at his No Mercy


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. Jumping > Bounce

2. Dancing > Kick Out (Reverse)

3. Other > You're Out


- leave base 1 alone

Base 2:

- R Arm - Right Small Shrug

- Expand 5 or 6 times to right, so it overlap some of base 3

- R Hand - Close hand

-expand to same length as 'R Arm'

- L Arm - Smack Away

- 'Expand' it, so EVERYTHING here fit in base 2

Base 3:

- Face - Shouting

- Neck - Fast sideways Right

- R Arm - Pull

- Expand to the end

- L Arm - Pull

- Expand to the end



IV. Video Games Animation




- Super Mario - Mario - Peace (winning)


CREDIT: Darkness King


- Normal


- Face - Happy

- expand to end of base

- R Hand - 2 fingers

- expand to end of base

- L Arm - left small shrug

- expand to end of base


- Super Mario - Mario - Spinning Attack (taaunt + attack)


CREDIT: Darkness King


1. JUmping > Tornode


- Face - Happy

- R Arm - right small shrug

- L Arm - left small shrug

*ATTACK: L leg, move 6 right*



V. Thanx and Credit



All the creditz here go to the people i mention above



VI. Legal Information



This F.A.Q. is the sole property of Darkness King (me), and shall not be modified

in any way, shape or form unless consent by the author is attained. This FAQ

shall not be used in a profitable purpose by anyone or anything. This includes

websites, strategy guides, etc... If you want permission for this F.A.Q. to be

placed on your website, please contact me, at Eternal_Lionheart@hotmail.com

If you do find a website that has any of the information here without my

permission, or has modified it in any way, please notify me as soon as possible.

Thank you

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