What new moves/combos do you want in svr09?
New moves in Svr09
5 members have voted
1. New single moves
Gogoplata (Undertaker choke hold)1
Codebreaker (Chris Jericho)4
Moonsault to standing opponent (Jimmy wang yang)3
Modified sitting Whisper in the wind (Shannon Moore)1
Modified enzuigiuri [thingy] (Kofi Kingston)2
Modified Leg Drop to chest (Kofi Kingston)2
Legend Killer [kick to head] (randy orton)2
Tadpole Splash (Hornswoggle)1
Corkscrew neckbreaker (John Morrison)1
Other (tell name of move)2
2. New tag team moves
Cross body suplex (Deuce & Domino)1
Sweet chin music to pedigree (HHH & HBK)3
Moonsault to Leg drop to swanton bomb (team xtreme,used a long time ago)3
Leg Drop to swanton bomb (Hardyz)3
Leg drop and splash at same time (Hardy Boyz)3
Other (Tell name of move)1
3. New combos (if they made it,if they do make it a specific button pressing special)
Twist of fate/swanton bomb (jeff hardy)4
Face first suplex/swanton bomb (jeff hardy)4
Spinebuster/Batista Bomb (Batista...duh)3
Spinebuster/Pedigree (HHH)1
Modified Facebuster/Pedigree [made up] (HHH)3
Other (tell combo)1
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