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Chris Benoit

Niles Jansen The Third

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Chris Benoit

by C.J.


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Name: Chris Benoit

Nick Name: Rabid Wolverine

Nick Name Placement: Prefix (or none)

HUD: Chris Benoit (or Benoit)

Announcer Introduction: Christopher

Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia

Gender: Male

Weight Class: Heavyweight

Crowd Reaction: Good

Show: Smackdown

Voice: 2

Match Specialty: Submission

Fighting Style 1: Submission

Fighting Style 2: Technical

Crowd Signs: ??


Hair: 16; C 87,29 S -2

-Head Morphing-

Head: H 23 W -4 D-25

Forehead: S -52 H -12 W -6 D -23


Eye Type: 1, Style 1; C-16,0 S -14

Eyelashes: 3; C 87,0 S -7

Eyebrows: 6; C 85, 4 S -8

Lips: 14 C 97, 8 S -3

Teeth: 3; C 84,7 S -9

Skin : Skin Tone: 6; C 91, 2 S -4

Skin Aging: Age: 57;

-Face Morphing-

Eyebrows -62, 100, -80, -21

Eyes 0, -35, -20, -78, 1, -85, -31

Nose -2, -10, 29, -47, -14, 10, 29, 55

Cheeks -81, -100, 43, -81

Mouth 100, -70, -100, -31, 70, 100, -47

Jaw -55, -14, -48, -9, -50, -34

Ears -18, -53, -37, -2



Body Type: 0

-Body Morphing-

Neck -40, 48, 93

Chest -15,-12,10

Shoulders -72,-55,-31

Abdomen 5,21,22

Waist 2, -32

Arms -20,7,0

Hands -30,1,1

Legs -35,-12,7

Feet -7,0,19

Definition: 1


10. Wristbands 1; C -13, -23, -92, 100, 7

11. Wrestling Tights 16; C 78, -19, 11, 100

12. Facial Hair- Templates 16; C 85, 0, 0, 38

13. Facial Hair- Templates 17; C 90,0,0,32

14. Facial Hair- Sideburns 3; 90,0,-19,19

15. Facial Hair- Mustache 1; 90,0,11,19

16. Make-up 19; 91,1,-12,78

17. Facial Hair- Templates 16; C 89,4,3,10

18. Face Paint 18 C 90, 2, -14,19

19. Facial Hair- Mustache 1; C 90,0,0,26

20. Face Paint 83; C92,-7,-3,60

21. Make-up 1; 90,50,22,98

22. *Right Leg-Design 33; C 98, 55, 19, 100

23. *Left Leg-Design 33; C 98, 55, 19, 100

24. *Right Leg-WWE 7; C 100,-100,35,100

25. *Left Leg-WWE 7; C 100,-100,35,100

26. Boots 1; C -27, -14, -4

27. *Face- Design 138; 92,-48,27,89

28. *Body-WWE 7; C 100,-100,35,100

29. *Body-WWE 33; C-100,34,-3,97

30. *Body-WWE 7; C 100,-100,35,100

31. *Body-WWE 33; C-100,34,-3,97

32. *Body- Design 87; C 98,55, 19, 100


Hack to No Model 3

Posted (edited)

Thats great 4.5/5 Really Awesome :|

Edited by The Crow

damn, that looks awesome

great job 10/10


Wow, u really outdid yourself! If only this could be converted into the PS3. Damn!


Improved alot. But why is there blood on his tights?


It's his special time of the month.


Looks good. Face is a little weird, though.



I don't get what's weird about it? But whatever.


you should space out the claw marks so they look more like claw marks, if you have enough space


Its probably better than in pic but the mouth looks weird. Do you have in game pics?


9/10, looks very nice.

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