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Some Code Ideas for the professional hackers

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1. find a way to make the Elimination Chamber visible so that the always elimination chamber code works better (0A1A432D 00000001).

2. have a code that allows you to play as Mike Chioda, Earl Hebner, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, the police that arrest you in season mode, or the medics that carry people away on a stretcher.

3. a code that allows you to control the referee in any match.

4. One that will allow you to put or pick Stephanie, Vince McMahon, & Eric Bischoff & the other females in the season.

5. One that changes the properties of a weapon. EXAMPLE: a table that acts as a ladder.

6. Codes that modify the superstar point in season mode.

7. Codes that modify who the title holders are.

8. Codes that will delete the stables in the season mode, not exhibition.

I hope that will give you something to feed off of. I would hack them, but I don't have the equipment or the know how to find new codes. I can only find simple one by playing with the digits.


5 is the only one on your list that i have the time to do.

give me a bit.


2A2B3C66 03E00000

2A173C66 2402000?

find the values yourself though :)

1-8 or however many weps.there are this year


I have ask these before but I havent got any responds so I will ask again

CPU player health bar always red

Human player health bar always blue

CPU cant do specials

DQ always off

Interferance always manual

If possible is there a code to have one of the socks be invisible so when you put it on you caw leg it gives it the apperance that your caw is missing one or two legs good for a zach gowen caw.

Also if possibe is there a code that when you have Kane stance you will get up like the old undertaker

Do it for GS2V3

PS If you want me to test some codes for you email the codes to me

at smackdownjoey@msn.com thankyou


if some or all the move mods are the same should'nt the titles codes be the same too? just wondering..... :|


Yeah, I would like to come out with all my belts. Maybe you could rotate them both to 90 degree angles so I can have 1 on both shoulders and 1 around the waist.

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