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Joe Lauzon in UFC Video Game!

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Look at our own, TV's Joe Lauzon represented proudly in the UFC video game. The following images come from Lauzon's Myspace.




I know it's not much, but it reminds me that this game is coming out soon, and it will kick ass! I just wish we could get some real news. :(


lmao, the render of his face looks like smeagol.

tv's joe gollum!


I was under contract not to say anything, but now as you can see my greatness is now in a video game. ;)


I can't wait to knock you out! :)


When is this game coming out?


My guess would be late this year. We still haven't heard any news about the game, but it's being called (at the moment) Ultimate Fighting Championship 2009. Which leads me to believe it'll be out late this year.


Cant wait till this game comes out...hope it isn't gonna be as much of a downer as SvR08....


Oh, how I hope this game has online.


I'm sure it'll have online. It'd be a huge mistake not to include it. But yeah, this game graphically looks incredible. But the big question mark is going to be the gameplay. THQ developed the PrideFC game way back in the day and it was the best MMA game out there. So I have faith that THQ can deliver with this as well. But only time will tell. :p


Maybe then we can have an online UFC league?


Sal you just want me to be homo cause im so damn sexy, but im not a homo. So sorry

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