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Anyone Want a Free Copy of SvR?

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Damn here I was thinking of selling my copy, and he can't even give the piece of shit game away.


play online, smacktalk on here, its more fun. seriously... tho its currently a 3 man league with me joe and DDK. get ur finger out.


I can't play online, I'm on the other side of the world, it's physically impossible for me to get an internet connection fast enough to play it with even reasonable lag.


Only in Australia. Isn't that right, Jitz?


pfft. excuses. i've had matches withppl in the US and its not been that bad.

also, poppn, it can lag online on ANY system its notthing to do with the game, its the internet connection. bet this isnt an issue in the likes of japan.


Where's Mr.Sparkle when you need him?

@ Oero, the lagging couldn't be worse than SvR07 for the PS2.


it depends on your internet connection, its hard to tell lol. me and joe have had lagless matches, but at the same time, joe and crossfan's match ended in a stale mate as it lagged to a point where the match actually split in 2. joe won his match, crossfan won his..



My internet connection isn't that great, but I'll see what it can do.

Anctiously waiting for my 360 lol.(however you spell it)


what? 360? pretty sure you spelt it right? :p


pfft. excuses. i've had matches withppl in the US and its not been that bad.

The UK to USA pipeline is heaps faster than Australia's. Here's what one traceroute site tells me of my internet connection...

The router most likely responsible for your slow downloads in owned by on.net.

That would be my ISP which isn't a reseller, it's actually on the backbone of the internet. They simply can't go any faster due to distance, and the quality of the pipeline. That combined with Demonware's shit network code, and I simply can't get a decent game going. In every other game I can usually find someone with a decent ping that I can play. In SmackDown I can't.

EDIT - I'll stick to kicking Iain's arse at Guitar Hero 3 thanks. SmackDown is definitely getting sold to another poor unsuspecting victim.


@Oero, lmao!

And is takersfan or whoever actually playing with Kane??


Chris, shall I remove you from the st svr league then mate ? Let me know.


No, I'll definitely play one match before I sell it, just to say I participated.

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