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Goldberg (WCW Attire) for PS3

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[Face Parts]

Hair: 2

Eyes 1 (centered style) X:9 Y:0 Shade 0

Eyebrows: 14 X:88 Y:11 Shade 7

Lips: default

Skin Tones: 3 X:90 Y:5 Shade Specular 0

Make Up: 19 X: 94 Y: 0 Shade: 3 Alpha: 100

Make Up: 19 X: 94 Y: 0 Shade: 0 Alpha17

Eyelashes: default

Teeth: default

[Head Morphing]

Head: Height: 26 With: 13 Depth 14

Forehead: Size: 42 Height: 0 With: 100 Depth 9

[Face Morphing]

Eyebrows: Y-Axis: -61 Thickness 100 Depth: 59 Angle-18

Eyes: Size: 0 Height -45 With 0 Y-Axis: 40 X-Axis 0 Depth: 0 Angle 0

Nose: Size: 0 Height: 0 With -18 Length: -18 Nostril H: 100 Nostril W: 59 Depth 0 Angle -20

Cheeks: Size: -12 Y-Axis -100 X-Axis 66 Depth 56

Mouth: Height: 0 Thickness: -20 With: -34 Depth 0 Upper Lip: 0 Lower Lip: 0 Angle: -80

Jaw: Height: 42 With 30 Depth: 54 Outline: 33 Upperline: 100 Thickness: 63

Ears: Size: 79 Angle 1: 0 Angle 2: 100 Shape: 16

Skin Aging: 30

[Facial Hair]

Mustache: 1 X:88 Y:2 Shade: 10 Alpha: 100

Templates: 3 X:87 Y:0 Shade: 0 Alpha: 12

Templates: 9 X:86 Y:0 Shade: 8 Alpha 100

Goatee: 2 X:88 Y:14 Shade: 5 Alpha: 100

Goatee: 1 X:88 Y:0 Shade: 0 Alpha: 75

Templates: 17 X:85 Y:0 Shade: 0 Alpha: 0

Design: 135 X: 100 Y:-100 Shade: 1 Alpha: 20 Cover up facial hair with this.


Height: 6'4''

Body Type: 30

[Advanced Options]

Neck: Height: -50 With: 70 Depth: 100

Chest: Height: 80 With: 50 Depth: 88

Shoulders: Height: 100 With: 100 Depth: 30

Abdomen: Height: 0 With 34 Depth: 15

Waist: With: 19 Depth: 24

Arms: Length: 99 With: 12 Depth 63

Hands: Length: 50 With: 50 Depth: 50

Legs: Length: 50 With: 30 Depth: 20

Feet: Length: 0 With: 0 Depth: 0

Definition: 1

Body Hair: 5 X: 85 Y: 0 Shade: 0 Alpha: 100


Armwear: Elbowpads: 2 X: -13 Y: -100 Shade: -62 Alpha: 100

Design: 33 X: -18 Y: 0 Shade: -100 Alpha: 50

Gloves: 8 X: 21 Y: -100 Shade: -67

Lower Body: Underwear: 4 (smallest style) X: -13 Y: -100 Shade: -70

Lower Body: Kneepads: 15 X: -13 Y: -100 Shade: -62 Alpha: 100

Lower Body: Boots: 2 (middle style) X: -100 Y: -100 Shade: -70


his head looks too small, and his eyes seem too far up, but other than that he's great

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