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The Ultimate Warrior (80's Attire) Caw for XBOX360

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Hair- 31 (X: 78 Y: 19 Shade: 15 Hair Scale: -72)

Head morphing

Head ( H:-25 W:-13 Depth: -15)

Forehead (size:-29 H: 15 W: -9 Depth: 11)

Face - Eyes-

Eye Type: 7 (X:89 Y: 7 Shade: -15)

Eyelashes: 15

Eyebrows: 12 (X:85 Y:0 Shade:0)

Face-mouth- : Default settings

Face -skin-

Skin Tone: 7 (X:87 Y:7 shade: -13 spec: 28)

Skin aging: 23

Face Morphing-

Eyebrows: (Y:-58 Thick:25 Dep:-22 Angle: 86)

Eyes: (size:16 H:19 W:-17 Y: 1 X: 0 dep: 0 ang: 0)

Nose: (Size: -22 H:0 W:-19 L:26 Nost H:3 Nost W:2 Dep:0 Ang: 15)

Cheeks: (Size: -70 Y: 6 X: -22 dep: -5)

Mouth: (H:0 Thick:13 Width: -18 Dep: 83 Upp lip:0 Low lip:0 ang: 11)

Jaw: (H:0 W:0 Dep:-43 Outline:0 Upp line:-59 Thick:-83)

Ears: Default

Face Paint: (the tough part)

Face Paint 34 (X: 61 Y: 69 Shade: 32 Alpha: 90)

Face Paint 79 (X: 61 Y:69 Shade:32 Alpha: 90)

Face paint 2 (X: 61 Y:69 Shade 32 Alpha: 90)

Face Paint 1 (NOTE: this is not necessary really. I just think it makes him look slightly more badass.) (X: 67 Y:31 Shade: 15 Alpha: 100)

NOTE: you can change up the colors to whatever you want, just make sure to memorize the numbers of your primary colors and shades so it will all match. face paint 2 has a yellow border around it's face paint and the only way I suggest for you to get it off if it's that much of a bother to you is to go to TATTOOS and go to symbols and select 103, rotate it, resize it to fit inside the face paint and change it to the exact color formula for the face paint. Do this before the next step....


Design 17-

- resize this design until it fits inside his face paint directly under his eye. You will do this on both eyes.-

(X: 22 Y:0 Shade:8 Alpha: 20)

- repeat the same thing, but put the same design beneath the previous ones and resize it so that it fits comfortably inside the face paint. Add as many designs as you feel necessary.-


H: 6'8"

Body type: -87

Body Morphing:

Neck (H:-58 W: -3 Depth:20)

Chest (H:70 W:50 D: 57)

Shoulders (H: -7 W: 64 D: 37)

Abdomen (H: 22 W: 17 D: 33)

Waist: (W: 7 D: 18)

Arms: (L: 88 W:-3 D: 18)

Hands( L: 3 W: 46 D: 26)

Legs (L:0 W:0 D: 5)

Feet: default

Definition: 1


Upper Body:

Arms wrists: 18 (X:46 Y:6 Shade: 4 Alpha:100)

Arms Wrists: 17 (X:20 Y:-9 Shade: 12 Alpha: 79)

Lower Body:

underwear: 4 -1st style- (X: 52 Y:23 Shade: 5)

Knee Pads: -both legs- 5 (X: 40 Y:17 Shade: 7 Alph: 100)

Boots: 7 (X; 44 Y:-36 Shade: -11)


This is how you make the Warrior's symbol that is on his underwear and chest.

Design 138

- Take this design and place it on the left hip (his left) of his underwear Resize it to the smallest size you can get.-

X: 67 Y:51 Shade: 13 Alpha: 100

- use the above formula but instead, this time rotate the design until it is upside down and resize it to the smallest size. take the design and place it on either side of the above design. Make sure they just barely touch eachother. Do the same again on the other side of the above design. What comes out should resemble an M with the top of the original design sticking above the other two.

For the chest design, do the same thing only center the desing on his chest, then do the same procedure as above, only this time don't downsize it....make it as big as you like.


Voice: whatever



Fighting syle: powerhouse

Fighting style 2: showman

NAME: Ultimate Warrior

Nickname: Warrior

Nickname Placement: none

HUD name: Warrior

Announcer Introduction: "The Immortal"

Hometown: Parts unknown

Weight class: 275lb

Crowd reaction: good


sweet, i'll be using this.. then editing to make it look cooler.


sweet, i'll be using this.. then editing to make it look cooler.



sweet, i'll be using this.. then editing to make it look cooler.


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