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help with 247 mode

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can anybody help with preventing injuries and maintaining popularity on 24 7 superstar mode. im playin as edge im just about at summerslam and i have a herniated disc and a tendon tear on my ankle and i do r and r and i lose a shitload of popularity. can anybody help?


sorry to double post but now you can add a severve concussion to the list and a 22 popularity



You mustn't be R & R'ing at the correct time.

Injuries are tied to how fatigued you are, and also seem to happen completely at random (such as I received an ankle strain in my first week, even though I received no limb damage on that area). You really only need to R & R once every two weeks even with a hectic training schedule, and make sure it's at the end of the week (Friday) so that you're good to go for either Raw or a PPV. I tend to like to keep my fatigue meter below the Injury Rate meter (they're on top of each other in the Superstar Stats menu), doing this I haven't had another injury since.

The fatigue meter goes fairly high, but I've been warned when it's hit just below half way that I'm risking injury. So yeah the system is a bit vague, just R & R on Fridays every two weeks and you should be fine. If you find the meter is creeping up too high compared to the injury rate meter mid week, then don't hesitate to take a day off o two. The stats that you gain from training seem to do very little in practice in game, so training should never take precedence over keeping injuries down.


signing autographs doesnt raise fatigue, so if you are getting a bit too high, but dont want to R&R and loose populairty, do that.

also, some wrestlers are more injury prown than others, edge may be rubbish.


The best way to raise your popularity is to go on trophy dates and train your fan favourite skill.

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