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eddie & Sargent Slaughter videos from the ps2 game

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You moron those are their titantron.Stupid

yah and they are in the ps2 game i went through all the videos and found them


have you thought that they might be caws?Cause Thq made them exclusive for the psp


have you thought that they might be caws?Cause Thq made them exclusive for the psp

well there videos are in the game just cant pick them i think thq used the ps2 one and made the psp one so they still might be in it


Well maybe Thq put their titantrons and music in the other versions but maybe you have to create them that might be


In all likley hood THQ had put them in the game and intended to do what they did with jake the snake in the older SvR

ie; u unlock them on the PSP and then u could do a data transfer between the PSP and PS2...

and THQ had droped the idear..

we will have to wait for code's to be sure but a way to find out is to try the bpe process from last year.. it partly opens the ch.pac so u can see file name's, and see if they their

As I have came across the

Rob Van Dam

These are in the upper stable list

Eugene & Regal

La Resistance

Regal & Tajiri

Hassan & Daivari

bashem brothers

These are in the lower stable list

The Hart Foundation

Los Guerreros

in the Misc.pac

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