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SvR'08 DS: First Opinion

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I got the DS version last night and have spent a few hours or so playing it.

At first I thought it really sucked, so much I would of said that it was the worst wrestling game ever, although I've got used to it now and it's not quite that bad, but it's still lacking plenty.

When you first load up the game the lack of match types is really bad, the only options you have are Single, Hardcore, Iron Man & 3 Stages Of Hell. The reason this is so bad is that all 3 matches are EXACTLY the same, there all singles matches.

The only difference in the Hardcore match is you can press the weapon icon to go and get the weapon you picked at the start of the match. Unlike the console versions that allow you to choose from multiple weapons under the ring, the DS version makes you select one weapon before the match and that weapon is then the only weapon you can get from under the ring. Once you bring it into the ring you when have 3 different moves with the weapon, all of which are just strikes. Once you've hit your opponent 3 times the weapon then disappears.

The in game engine is totally unique and is a bold move by THQ as this is nothing like any other wrestling game out there, it's very slow paced and very "DS like" in the way the touch screen options work. I found it very easy to get used to it and was able to master it in about 10 minutes which really spoilt the game, the only hard part seemed to be constantly tapping the screen to pin somebody.

The graphics are ok, but you can see that there really cut down for the DS. The superstars are quite blocky and the arena's are not very detailed at all of what I've seen. As for the roster it's not bad considering the limitations on the DS, however there is some superstars that are noticably missing, i.e. Matt Hardy.

All in all it's a unique style of gameplay, however for the wrestling fans like myself I think it's a big let down. There is only a few moves to use and they get VERY repetitive, there's also no way of moving around the ring so you have to punch and kick your opponent into the corners to perform top rope or turnbuckle moves. I dont blame THQ for making it this way as they've tried to make it different instead of just releasing a poor version of the PSP game to their credit, however for me it doesn't quite cut it and I wouldn't pay


must download it and laugh hard at the crappyness of it... still gonna hack it then paul?


Maybe someone will want 99 wins in an Iron Man Match :2

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